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The great questions in life
« on: May 10, 2009, 01:11:23 AM »
Well I was arguing with a buddy tonight and came to a great question in most peoples life. I thought to myself, " what happens when you put too much oil in an engine?" I haven't got a clue! I thought maybe i could go look it up on the world wide web but then i thought it would be easier to ask the fine folks on the forums. So please contribute your $.02 Don't be shy to ask your great questions as well. Hold on, i just thought of another. "Why do men have nipples?"


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Re: The great questions in life
« Reply #1 on: May 10, 2009, 02:09:47 AM »
Where do pigeons come from?

I, nor anyone I know has ever seen a baby pigeon.

For that matter, I've never seen a woman check the oil in her car.

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Re: The great questions in life
« Reply #2 on: May 10, 2009, 02:28:45 AM »
I think on old cb's and motorcycles with external oil tanks it wouldn't hurt the bike much.
The oil would just get heated beyond a certain fill line and get blown out the overflow line in the oil tank.

In autos it is a different story though:
Be careful not to overfill your car's crankcase with oil. If you put in too much oil, the engine's crankshaft can actually come in contact with the oil. And because the crankshaft is turning at several thousand revolutions per minute, it can quickly whip your oil into a froth — like the steamed milk that sits on the top of a cappuccino. Why is that bad? Well, the oil pump can't pump froth very well, and as a result, it can't get oil to the parts of the engine that need lubrication. The result ... a hefty boat payment to your mechanic.
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Re: The great questions in life
« Reply #3 on: May 10, 2009, 03:03:10 AM »
Wouldn't increasing oil volume in a wet sump system also cause increased oil pressure, and possibly oil seal failure?

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Re: The great questions in life
« Reply #4 on: May 10, 2009, 03:51:05 AM »
In a car--too much oil
--gets up into the cylinder head.
--blown out the exhaust as white smoke.
--engine runs rough.
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Re: The great questions in life
« Reply #5 on: May 10, 2009, 05:54:01 PM »
Different answers for different types of motors. 

In lawn mowers the oil is forced past the rings when the piston is on the downstroke.  It does this when the level of oil is equal or above the piston.  if it is enough to choke out the motor, more than likely it will lock up hydraulically, and the spark plug will have to be removed to evacuate the oil in the cylinder.

In a 750, not much will happen, because the excess just goes in the oil tank.  If the level goes as high or higher than the return line into the tank, then pretty much the same thing that happens as a typical car, and that is that the oil goes up the PVC line back into the air filter, and most likely down the carb to be burned or to choke out the motor, depending on how much and how fast the oil is traveling.

I haven't figured out the nipples thing.
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Re: The great questions in life
« Reply #6 on: May 10, 2009, 06:00:02 PM »
my great question tonight is "Why in the bloody hell did i get MARRIED??????????????" anyone want a roomate with no income and 6 cats? and "why is it every #$%*ing thing i do is wrong?
« Last Edit: May 10, 2009, 06:02:18 PM by fuzzybutt »


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Re: The great questions in life
« Reply #7 on: May 10, 2009, 08:27:35 PM »
my great question tonight is "Why in the bloody hell did i get MARRIED??????????????" anyone want a roomate with no income and 6 cats? and "why is it every #$%*ing thing i do is wrong?
No one knows how women trick men into marriage. But the reason everything you do is wrong, is simple, your a man.

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Re: The great questions in life
« Reply #8 on: May 10, 2009, 09:04:26 PM »
I think on old cb's and motorcycles with external oil tanks it wouldn't hurt the bike much.

just so everyone knows... my CB has no external excess!   ;D
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Re: The great questions in life
« Reply #9 on: May 10, 2009, 10:01:55 PM »
my great question tonight is "Why in the bloody hell did i get MARRIED??????????????" anyone want a roomate with no income and 6 cats? and "why is it every #$%*ing thing i do is wrong?

Always seems to be "the thing to do" then you figure out there musta been SOMEthing/ANYthing else you shoulda done?? Sure makes us smart, huh?! Perhaps when you give up all the others you begin to think thats all the milk there is so you'd better buy the cow, maybe? OR, simply, that #$%* makes you go crazy!!

Not everything we do is wrong, they just attempt brainwashing by telling us that. Don't believe it  ;)
As of today 3/13/2012 my original owner 75 CB750F has made it through 3 wives, er EX-wives. Free at last.  ;-)


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Re: The great questions in life
« Reply #10 on: May 10, 2009, 10:35:05 PM »
oh, i know not EVERYTHING i do is wrong,my significant other just seems to think so. boy isshe gonnaget a shock when i get my approval for ssi disability and i get the backpay back to when i first applied. can you say "goodbye fuzzybutt"? the upper part of the "thumb" in michigan is calling my name louder and louder every day   8)

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Re: The great questions in life
« Reply #11 on: May 11, 2009, 12:09:58 AM »
i've seen movies that explain the men/nipple thing in graphic detail.

but i just don't but it; jumper cables and candle wax?
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Re: The great questions in life
« Reply #12 on: May 11, 2009, 06:51:03 AM »

Search The Straight Dope
A Straight Dope Classic from Cecil's Storehouse of Human Knowledge
Why do men have nipples?
May 18, 1979

Dear Cecil:

As I understand it, the appendix at one time assisted in our digestion. Today it is useless. Our wisdom teeth, I have learned, helped our ancestors chew tough herbs and raw meat. Today they are a nuisance. But there is a third biological mystery for which I have no answer. So please explain, Cece: why do males have nipples?

— Susan L., Los Angeles

Dear Susan:

To tell you the truth, nobody really knows. The best explanation I've been able to find (and frankly it doesn't explain very much) is that nipples aren't a sex-linked characteristic. In other words, nipples are just one of those sexually neutral pieces of equipment, like arms or brains, that humans get regardless of sex.

As you may know, every human being gets a unique set of 23 pairs of chromosomes at conception. These fall into two categories. One pair of chromosomes determines sex--the XX combination means you become female, the XY combination means you become male.

The other 22 pairs, the non-sex chromosomes (they're called autosomes), supply what we might call the standard equipment that all humans get. These 22 pairs constitute an all-purpose genetic blueprint that in effect is programmed for either maleness or femaleness by the sex chromosomes. The programming is done by the hormones secreted by the sex glands.

For example, the autosomes give you a voice box, while the sex hormones determine whether it's going to be a deep male voice or a high female voice. Similarly, the autosomes give you nipples, and the sex hormones determine whether said nipples are going to be functioning (in females) or not (in males).

One interesting consequence of the developmental set-up just described is that during the very early stages of fetal life, before the sex hormones have had a chance to do their stuff, all humans are basically bisexual. Among other things, you have two sets of primitive plumbing--one male, one female. Only one set develops into a mature urogenital system, but you retain traces of the other for the rest of your life.

It's tempting, therefore, to say that male nipples are yet another vestige of your carefree bisexual youth. Trouble is, male nipples are hardly vestigial. They're full-sized and fully equipped with blood vessels, nerves, and all the usual appurtenances of functioning organs. Why this should be so nobody knows--in some other mammals, such as rats and mice, male nipple development is completely suppressed by the male sex hormones. (Incidentally, don't start thinking that at one time our human male ancestors must have suckled their young. So far as anybody knows, male lactation has never developed in any mammalian species.)

Human nipples appear in the third or fourth week of development, well before the sex characteristics. (The sex hormones start to assert themselves at seven weeks.) As many as seven pairs of nipples are arranged along either side of a "milk line," a ridge of skin that runs from the upper chest to the navel.

Normally only one pair amounts to anything, but on about one baby in a hundred you can detect some vestige of the other ones, usually on the order of a freckle. There are cases of women who ended up with an extra breast, which made them freak show candidates not so many years ago. Luckily today the women can avail themselves of corrective surgery while the rest of us can watch Jenny Jones.

Anyway, both male and female babies are born with the main milk ducts intact--the gland that produces milk is there in the male, but it remains undeveloped unless stimulated by the female hormone, estrogen. Occasionally, a male baby is born with enough of his mother's estrogen in his body to produce a bizarre phenomenon known as "witches' milk," with the male glands, suitably stimulated, pumping away at the moment of birth.

In the adult male, the dormant glands can still be revived by a sufficient dose of estrogen. Actual lactation is rare--only a couple cases have been recorded. But at least one writer (Daly, 1978) has suggested that the "physiological impediments to the evolution of male lactation do not seem individually surmountable." Meaning we may yet see the dawn of the truly liberated household.

— Cecil Adams

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Re: The great questions in life
« Reply #13 on: May 11, 2009, 08:40:10 AM »
Male nipples are like that extra green wire that the U.S. models of our sohc4's have under the left side cover.  It was easier and cheaper to make and use the same wiring harness for all bikes even though only the British and European models needed that wire. 

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Re: The great questions in life
« Reply #14 on: May 11, 2009, 08:53:46 AM »
Right!  So then only British and European men need nipples.  Nipples are superfluous for those of us from The Americas, Africa, and Australasia.

Male nipples are like that extra green wire that the U.S. models of our sohc4's have under the left side cover.  It was easier and cheaper to make and use the same wiring harness for all bikes even though only the British and European models needed that wire. 
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Re: The great questions in life
« Reply #15 on: May 11, 2009, 09:21:48 AM »
 ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D nipples  ;D ;D ;D ;D
We are not humans going thru a spiritual experience...
We are spirits going thru a human experience....

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Re: The great questions in life
« Reply #16 on: May 11, 2009, 09:22:58 AM »
I prefer to call them "zerks". 

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Re: The great questions in life
« Reply #17 on: May 11, 2009, 10:18:27 AM »
Right!  So then only British and European men need nipples.  Nipples are superfluous for those of us from The Americas, Africa, and Australasia.

Male nipples are like that extra green wire that the U.S. models of our sohc4's have under the left side cover.  It was easier and cheaper to make and use the same wiring harness for all bikes even though only the British and European models needed that wire. 

ed, you instigator you.  ;D

upperlake, in bio class we were taught that all babies begin as female and males develop from there. i think the secularists call it evolution.

i'll never get a girlfriend at this rate.
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Re: The great questions in life
« Reply #18 on: May 11, 2009, 10:50:58 AM »
Sochiro Honda knew that one day, we would be converting our bikes to have LEDs for turnsignals, and put the extra ground wire there for the correct flasher.
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Re: The great questions in life
« Reply #19 on: May 11, 2009, 11:41:48 AM »
Who me?  An instigator?  Shucks. ;D ;D ;D

Has anybody seen the movie "Legally Blonde"?  They explain in the movie why only European men need nipples.

(I'd gladly breast-feed Reese Witherspoon's babies.  Just sayin'.)

Right!  So then only British and European men need nipples.  Nipples are superfluous for those of us from The Americas, Africa, and Australasia.

Male nipples are like that extra green wire that the U.S. models of our sohc4's have under the left side cover.  It was easier and cheaper to make and use the same wiring harness for all bikes even though only the British and European models needed that wire. 

ed, you instigator you.  ;D

upperlake, in bio class we were taught that all babies begin as female and males develop from there. i think the secularists call it evolution.

i'll never get a girlfriend at this rate.
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Re: The great questions in life
« Reply #20 on: May 11, 2009, 11:45:06 AM »
Here you go:
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Re: The great questions in life
« Reply #21 on: May 12, 2009, 10:36:37 AM »
How about gay AND European?  ::)
"Well, Mr. Carpetbagger. We got somethin' in this territory called the Missouri boat ride."   Josey Wales

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Re: The great questions in life
« Reply #22 on: May 12, 2009, 12:06:53 PM »
For the gays and/or Europeans who may be pissed at me now, I'll point out that I've seen the MUSICAL (YES, A MUSICAL) -- on BROADWAY.  And, I actually enjoyed it!

In order to maintain some hetero street-cred, I'll point out that my date (a female attorney) invited me AND paid for my ticket!

All in good fun.

How about gay AND European?  ::)

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Re: The great questions in life
« Reply #23 on: May 12, 2009, 12:58:31 PM »

Gay? check

European? Russian, check        

i feel stupid, and slave to the PC ethic, by noting i have zero problems with gays. just freaks of any kind.

i've been to several plays too; 'cats' suuuucked. frankenstein was great though.

« Last Edit: May 12, 2009, 01:26:18 PM by Ecosse »
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Re: The great questions in life
« Reply #24 on: May 12, 2009, 05:39:14 PM »
I don't know, I don't think it is a PC attitude.  Gay, whatever.  Who cares?  It is so common-place here in NYC that it isn't even interesting anymore.  Even flamboyant Liberace or Elton John types don't even shock anyone anymore.

Europeans, on the other hand....

 ;D ;D ;D

i feel stupid, and slave to the PC ethic, by noting i have zero problems with gays. just freaks of any kind.

i've been to several plays too; 'cats' suuuucked. frankenstein was great though.

SOHC4 #289
1977 CB550K - SOLD
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