Author Topic: Crashed.. need some advice  (Read 4167 times)

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Re: Crashed.. need some advice
« Reply #25 on: November 03, 2005, 06:05:24 PM »
Leo, sorry to hear about the crash, to words of advice, get back on the bike, and get a good lawer. The other guy's insurance is responible, for hospital bills, repairing your bike, lost wages, pain and suffering. Alot of lawers will work a case like this, for a percentage of what you are awarded. I know taking people to court is the american way, and it'll teach this guy to look, for motorcycles.


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Re: Crashed.. need some advice
« Reply #26 on: November 03, 2005, 08:43:30 PM »
My last accident was in 1992. I was zipping down Benedict Canyon and young woman pulled out of a side street (I had the right of way ... so it was her fault) and I had nowhere to go but into her car. Bike was totalled and I cracked my sacrum. Ow. I never didn't want to ride after that. I bought a NEW helmet shortly there after to inspire me to buy a new bike. It took me 13 years to find one. (what with no money or needing the money for other things, or having the money and not seeing anything I liked or not having enough money for what I DID like et cetera.)

Yeah, I think taking a safety course is a good idea to get your confidence back. The fact that you are bummed by your emotional reaction to getting hurt and that it seems to interfere with getting right back on is a good sign. Alot of people would simply say, "Never again." and hang up their helmet. The accident will make you a better rider.



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Re: Crashed.. need some advice
« Reply #27 on: November 03, 2005, 08:53:39 PM »
There will come a time my friend again when you are tuned sharp again. Razor sharp, almost to the point of preminition. You'll get there and that will be the time you will have to constantly evaulate your riding.

I hate intersections. I had a friend killed by a drunk driver that rear ended him and his wife while they waited for the stop light. Killed him on the scene and cripled her. Now when they creep up on me at a stop light I just turn right and make sure to give them the finger as I go.

I am sure with all the junk some of us have sitting around we can get you maybe back to normal (well sort of). No one is ever normal again after they have participated in this forum.

Wish you luck and healing my friend...................

Offline Raul CB750K1

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Re: Crashed.. need some advice
« Reply #28 on: November 04, 2005, 07:27:50 AM »
That's why I always promote nice riding on a bike. People who have never been a biker see us like a danger, with loud pipes, lane splitting and careless driving. I'm not saying they don't give a damn if they kill a biker, but the general sense is that it is always the biker's fault, when society should see us as a specie to protect, provided we are the weaker ones. Doesn't the government protect endangered species against human harm? Why don't they protect the bikers against the car drivers?

Intersections are the number 1 danger in city driving. I use to reduce a gear so the engine revs higher, that way I have plenty of torque in case I have to get out the intersection fast. Anyway, I always look for eye contact, when in doubt I just yield even if I have the right, even when in my car.

I have only had a crash on my car. I hit the one in front because I was distracted looking for my hotel. We were driving about 50 miles per hour and I didn't even had the time to brake, I simply crashed into him. The airbag deployed but I got undamaged. Unfortunately for him he had to wear a neck collar, but not for long. Well, after that I needed one week to drive again, and when driving in the passenger seat, I crawled into the seat everytime the driver got so close to the preceding car. It just went away naturally, but driving a car is very different than driving a bike. If you get killed on a bike people doesn't understand, you shouldn't be doing it because you were going nowhere. If you get killed on a car it's assumed as a casualty, as you can't live without transportation and those thing happens. The bombing on Madrid trains killed 200 people. That's the number of casualties on any summer campaign and it almost doesn't get headlines.


Offline Egil

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SV: Crashed.. need some advice
« Reply #29 on: November 04, 2005, 09:29:28 AM »
Member from Norwegians SeniorsMC-Clubb  was driving i germany on the autbahn, they use a flouro gellow vest ,same as the germany atobahn polizie are using . people was afraid of them :o , but you se them exstrimly goood in trafic.

So on road is up to the bike driver , do you  want people to se you in trafic ;D ,or do you not :o !
That the questions  ??? ???

73 de La2vpa.

On The Edge.....That`s Where We Live Every Day.
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Re: Crashed.. need some advice
« Reply #30 on: November 04, 2005, 12:18:00 PM »
get back on there as soon as possible i appreciate the law is different over there in USA, but dont rely on the cops to help your case (incidentally i am a Brit motorbike cop myself). Similarly do not trust a lawyer who knows nothing about bikes. I have had a few crashes caused by others turning across me. As recent as Apr 2003 i was wiped out by a driver who pulled out in front and left me nowhere to go. I have ended up fighting my case through the civil and criminal courts here in the UK and over 2 years later still have had no compensation. Scheming lying insurance companies and every trick in the book to avoid paying up. I even had to get rid of the Lawyers acting for me as they missed the most obvious relevant items in the case. I am now representing myself and have the opposition finally on the run.
After every accident i have lovingly restored my bikes and this has fuelled my need to ride again.
The moral is:-  don't let some idiot ruin your future enjoyment of a very special experience (riding).


Offline Uncle Ernie

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Re: Crashed.. need some advice
« Reply #31 on: November 04, 2005, 06:50:40 PM »
Off topic- EXCUSE ME a minute;
Egil- I want to be a Norwegian pyrotechnic motorcycle rider.  How can I get one of your patches?

I have a patch that says on the outside "Cheap and Shameless Racing" and on the inside says,
"Hair by Ernie"  Want to trade?
Dude- your 8 layers are showing!


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Re: Crashed.. need some advice
« Reply #32 on: November 04, 2005, 09:48:23 PM »
thank you for all that have replied, it's definatley making things easier getting some confidence back just hearing the stories.  I will definatley ride again, hopefully on my cb.  I've decided to fix it this winter and hopefully get back on in the spring.  Now I just need some insurance money !! ;D  BuThank you guys again, it meas alot

Offline Egil

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SV: Crashed.. need some advice
« Reply #33 on: November 05, 2005, 09:39:10 AM »
Off topic- EXCUSE ME  2 minute`s

Uncle Ernie
"  To be a Norwegian pyrotechnic motorcycle rider"  ??? 
                  To be a Pyro-Riders MC of Norway member  ,
You have to be a member of Firebrigade or FireFighters in Norway and are intresstig in MC `s  :),
                    so simplel as that ;).  no fees of any cind ;D.

It`almoust Christmas soon , mybe then  ; IF  you belive in FatherChristas   ??? Than it`s no Problems  ;)
Whit the patch :)

Nice day!
« Last Edit: November 06, 2005, 01:26:46 AM by Egil »
73 de La2vpa.

On The Edge.....That`s Where We Live Every Day.
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Offline BobbyR

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Re: Crashed.. need some advice
« Reply #34 on: November 05, 2005, 02:05:10 PM »
Hope you heal quick. Getting back and riding will tell you if you can or not. As far as the other Driver is concerned, you are sueing him and the Insurance Company is cobering his loss. If you want to move things along, get a Lawyer, file a suit, and the Driver has to answer the complaint, usually through the Insurance Companies Lawyer.
Dedicated to Sgt. Howard Bruckner 1950 - 1969. KIA LONG KHANH.

But we were boys, and boys will be boys, and so they will. To us, everything was dangerous, but what of that? Had we not been made to live forever?