Author Topic: '75 CB750K5 runs rough  (Read 668 times)

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'75 CB750K5 runs rough
« on: May 11, 2009, 06:24:18 PM »
I'm going crazy and need some help. I've got a '75 CB750K5 that I just can't get right. I've had the carbs off 3 times trying to figure it out. New points, set timing perfect at about 900 rpm's. Don't know about the higher rpm timing though, when I try to set it it seems like the advancer bounces around a lot and it's hard to get a good fix on the timing fires up like a champ, idles good but when I get it out on the road it breaks up a lot....I think on a seperate issue sometimes when it's just sitting and idling the rpm's start to climb and it starts racing  but a quick turn of the throttle and it set back down. That's probably an air leak someplace?? But I think the breaking up when I'm on the road driving is caused by timing adjustments...??? I changed out the timing advancer ( I tried another used one) but I get the same results....any secrets to timing these old Honda's???

Thanks all

Offline Johnie

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Re: '75 CB750K5 runs rough
« Reply #1 on: May 12, 2009, 11:19:03 AM »
Trying to read all your symptoms here...sounds like under load is when you are noticing a lot of the problems.  Did you remove the carbs, clean and rebuild them or why did you take them off?  Did you check the float levels?  Did you bench sync those carbs before you put them back on?  Did you sync them at all?  Did you adjust the valves?  To check for an air leak at the intake rubbers spray some WD40 on there while it is running.  She will speed up if you have a air leak at that point.  When you break up at the higher speeds that could also be a carb issue (floats, etc.).  Just trying to give you some avenues to cross here.  Let us know how you come out.
1970 CB750K0 - Candy Ruby Red
1973 CB750K3 - Candy Bacchus Olive or Sunflake Orange
1970 Chevy Chevelle SS396 - Cortez Silver
1976 GL1000 Sulphur Yellow

Oshkosh, WI  USA