Is there a inexpensive way to go about getting one of these or do you have to buy a Honda one? I just lost my job, as of Friday, and need to cut any corners I can.
Sorry to hear, tough times.
You can use any auto store 12 volt flasher unit as long as the pin count matches the stock. A digital one needs less current to do it's job too.
The flasher unit is not the only possible explanation though. If overall current is low the stock one will not "flash". That could mean a bad bulb, battery, or a short somewhere else.
1) Does it flash when RPMS are high, just not when idling? Not the flasher then.
2) Check all your bulbs. A break in the circuit is designed to stop the flasher as a fault indicator in some systems.
3) What does a voltmeter say when placed across your battery terminals?
Flasher's are pretty simple items. Sometimes they go bad - and they are cheap - but sadly it's often something else that's wrong.