I did one four year enlistment in the Marine Corps ending in May of 06. I did two tours in Iraq. One was a year and the other was 7 months. For one thing Navy and Marines work hand in hand all the time, seeing as how the Marine Corps is an offshoot of the Navy. So factor that in. Maybe his friends were all going to go over. You can't let your best buddy go over by himself. Just can't. My friend and I were together since boot camp, first duty station in Okinawa together. Same unit in Camp Pendleton. It was awesome. When our tour in Okinawa was coming to an end was right about the time we dropped bombs on Baghdad. We were sitting in the chow hall eating lunch and a staff seargent ran in and told us all to report back to our units. Unfortunatly my buddy was in a different unit I fought and fought and fought to get put with him, luckily they needed some heavy equipment opperators for their convoys. We put our lives on hold and went to Iraq for a year the next day. The point is the military instills a sence of brotherhood in you. You look out for the guys to your left and your right with your life and visa versa.
Also anyone who is joining up right now automatically gets the national defence ribbon and the operation iraqi freedom campaign ribbon. There is a lot of pressure within the branches to actually earn those ribbons. Some of the salty dogs will give you a lot of crap if you are putting those ribbons on your uniform and you've never been. So that could be another factor. I am not saying he is weak and giving in to peer pressure but it's a little more harsh and pressing than peer pressure.
All in all man he is a man now and he needs to get it figured out for himself. I am sure you know this as I am sure you went through this with your folks, I know I did and honestly I don't know anyone who has not. I don't believe in this war but I believe in my country and that is why I enlisted after 9/11. This is an awesome country we live in and I was more than happy to serve it, I feel shame sometimes, a lot actually, for things I did in Iraq, but in the end I try to hold my head up high because I DO love my country, plain and simple, and isn't life all about standing up for the things you love and believe in?
If you want to Fuzz, or if you even know where is training is taking place I could find out where he is and what he is up to. I've still got a lot of friends in the Corps. A lot of friends...
Any way man, good luck with all this and my thoughts are with him. I have mucho respect for your son. Anyone who is willing to go over there and put it on the line for their country is an alright man in my book.