Bike is a 1969 cb350.
I bought a new spark advance for my bike because the old one was a shot, the spring were all fubar. With similar bikes I remember the spark advance going on and coming off very easily, just slipped on and off after removing the bolt at the end of the cam shaft. Well my old one was very tough to get off, I had to do some prying action with some liquid wrench assistance. A little bit of damage done to the old advancer but that thing is burnt toast anyway.
Here's the problem: the new one isn't sliding on easily either. It came off of a 1970 cb350 and I know there wasn't any change there for this part. There isn't any rust on the cam shaft, I don't see any scratches or marks on the shaft either. I don't want to force it on, but I don't know what else to do. Should I try sanding the inside of the spark advance or the end of the cam shaft down to smooth out any unseen defects?