the threads on this forum were REALLY helpful for doing this work..
(for when I was too thick headed to understand the manual or the parts hard to find. They all made a measurable difference, IMO)
drilling clutch basket, installing new plates, adjusting clutch.
smoothing intake bores
double sprung points
tapered headset bearings
sealed wheel bearings
bronze swingarm bushings
rebuilding top end with oversize pistons/rings, (getting proper gaskets and o-rings and sealers)
cam chain and tensioner
primary chain, crankcase bearings, seals, dampers
fork seals, polishing fork tubes
stainless brake line
rebuilding caliper
rebuilding starter solenoid
rebuilding carbs (jetting for mac exhaust, float adjustment, adjusting air screws, synching, not getting pods, eliminating air leaks)
setting tappets
proper profile tires
changing shifter seal
de-rusting/painting/polishing chrome and aluminum