Had a squirelly problem with my shift cover gasket recently, thot I'd post it as there is a tip or two in it.
I had a leak from the bottom of the shifter cover for a while and last year I decided to fix it. I couldn't find just that gasket in stock so I bought a whole engine set for ~$90. I put it on but I botched it or the gasket sucked because it still leaked. So this week I was doing some other work and I decided to do it again. I still couldn't find that gasket so I decided to make one. That totally sucked because I hate doing that and I botched it. Getting the correct cutting pattern on the gasket material is always a pain. I've got a tip on that tho so read on...
After botching that first attempt I said the hell with this and just used avaition gasket material - a liquid gasket maker. That worked great and stopped the leak but after doing it I had a real pisser of a problem: the bike wouldn't shift worth a damn. I was sure I'd knocked a spring off inside the case or dropped some debris or something up inside the area where the shift fork cam rotates or something.
I'd take it apart, mess around, it would start to shift in the shop so I'd put the cover back on. WTF? The problem would come back. I did that twice before I figured out what was going on, and that's leads us to the tip section:
1) On my bike at least you need an actual, not liquid, gasket, at least 1/32 of an inch thick. If you don't have that to act as a shim
the shifter case binds the shifter shaft and prevents the spring from fully retracting the shifter arm mechanism. Doh. Once I made a new gasket (see tip 2) the shifting trouble went away for good.
2) I realized we have a flatbed scanner/printer/copier combo. I just took the shifter cover and put it on the scanner and did a copy at 1-1 size. Bingo! I had the exact image I needed of the entire gasket surface on the cover. I just tacked the paper version over the gasket material and cut along the lines. Then I used a punch as usual to make the holes. Duh! It was so easy that way I may never buy another gasket