Author Topic: 10 reasons johnny cash owns chuck norris  (Read 3417 times)

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Re: 10 reasons johnny cash owns chuck norris
« Reply #25 on: May 22, 2009, 06:39:37 AM »
I'm shocked! Shocked to find forum members disagreeing on such a weighty subject. Let's face it, one is a musician and the other is an actor. I would say that Chuck Norris has a sense of humor about himself and his acting ability. I caught him on Letterman mebbe 15 years ago. Norris told a story about his first movie with a "real" and famous actor (I forget who it was). Anyhoo, Norris asked the famous actor for some acting tips. Norris admitted with a smile that the actor told him, "Try not to talk."

Reason 8.
Johnny was invited to play the at White House in 1972 for Richard Nixon. He was given a list of politically correct songs to sing. He instead metaphorically threw up his middle finger at the establishment, in true ShoutWire fashion, and sang a set full of left leaning, politically charged tunes. Chuck Norris has never told the president to #$%* off in his own house.

That picture actually comes from his concert at San Quentin. BBC was filming the concert and it was pretty much the same deal as the performance for Nixon. BBC wanted him to play this song and that song, etc. More than once during the performance, the camera men got in the way. Cash finally had had enough and gave the camera the bird. You can pick up some of this on the CD if you get the remastered (uncensored) version.

And if you think Cash was brave for playing Folsum, what about June and the Carter sisters playing San Quentin? June asked one of the guards what they would do if the men rioted, and the guard told her that there was nothing they could do. Great concert, by the way. I know that everyone likes Charlie Parker on guitar, but I really like the Statler Brothers doing backup.
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Offline Caaveman82

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Re: 10 reasons johnny cash owns chuck norris
« Reply #26 on: May 22, 2009, 11:48:46 AM »
The dinosaurs looked at Chuck Norris funny once... once.

For real though, Chuck is a hack, he and everyone else knows it. The Native American from that show is also the dude that played Sloth in the Goonies, my friends uncle works at Club DaDa in Texas and apparently is really chummy with that guy.

Any way, J.R. was the man in his own right. Chuck could kick J.R.'s butt, my butt, and your butt back to last centry, so that kind of makes him the man in his own right.

It all comes down to what you like! I'll take the fuzzy road, put on some Johnny and Shel and utilize some trees.

Crazy old man Norris can bad act all he wants, I won't tell him he sucks to his face!
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Re: 10 reasons johnny cash owns chuck norris
« Reply #27 on: May 22, 2009, 08:18:06 PM »
I agree with reasons 1 through 10!
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Offline Caaveman82

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Re: 10 reasons johnny cash owns chuck norris
« Reply #28 on: May 22, 2009, 09:24:38 PM »
i understood about 10% of what you just said.   :D

It's a strongbow night and that stuff goes down like water. Think maybe I overdidit
Do not act as though you could kill time without injuring eternity. - Dave Thoreau