Hey y'all
Just found this site today, awesome! wish I had found it 10 years ago - would still be riding...
Bought a beautiful '75 400F from friend in college as my first bike, $500 in 1986 the fellow needed the cash. Learned to ride on it, then put 10k miles on it over about 5 years. Never truly appreciated how great it was until too late. Stopped riding around '91 after getting married, put it in the (open door) garage thinking I would fix it up one of those days. Well the day never came and now I regret it. I am embarrassed to admit I never stored it properly, and although this is Southern California, 14 years of dust and spiders and slow rust have taken their toll.
I know I know, I don't deserve this bike. So, need some direction - would anyone want to make this a project bike, or should I just hold a funeral and send it to the guy asking for bikes dead or alive? I just spent 6 hours reading these forums, seems to be a wide range of prices on used 400Fs depending on particulars. I guess I will list it on craigslist in Los Angeles area to see what I can get. Last I remember it ran fine, I never put her down (while moving anyway

) but lots of little things goin wrong - ignition cracked, left blinker side panel tab missing, has to be kick started, some cracks in the seat cover, etc. Lots of rust now

. All stock except for custom drive socket to smooth out power band. What do y'all think I should do?
Pics: 1. m'peve in her prime 1987, 2. today before pulling her out of my garage after 14 years, 3. the garbage bags come off, 4. into da light, 5. front end I took apart in '94 or so.
Like I said I ain't proud of what I've done to her.