I've been refurbishing some voltage regulators for the Hondaman Specials, using old used parts. After all the years, the contacts and spring forces have changed quite a bit, but I am finding that I can realign them and get the original (or better) performance from them again. And, I can tune them for the new AGM batteries, which is a nice feature!
So, is there any interest here in either a "service" to your old regulator, or maybe an "exchange" of a cleaned, adjusted, and tuned-to-your-battery regulator for your old one?
The part that is unobtainable now is the unique 3-tap resistor on the back of these units. This can be replaced, in a pinch, with two separate resistors. This which doesn't turn out too badly, just looks a little different, works fine. Most are OK, but some have become cracked over the years, or just electrically open. This makes for poor battery life and low voltage (assuming other equipment is still stock, of course).
Here's what it would entail:
1. I clean and inspect the unit for anything that would stop it from being "refurbished".
2. If adequate, I can clean, reshape, and polish the contacts inside (i have the proper relay repair files and polishers for this work).
3. I connect it to my variable-voltage power supply and adjust the spring tension of the relay contact to get the voltage performance that was originally intended.
There are essentially 2 types of regulators on these bikes: the On-Off types for the field coil, which resemble the old Ford electro-mechanical voltage regulators, and the Hi-Mid-Lo types of the later design. They set up a little differently.
I'm estimating the cost would be about $20 if the resistor is OK, and around $30 if the resistor has to be replaced with 2 new ones.
If it seems worth it to enough riders, I'll post it in the For Sale section.
(Now, back to sprockets...