But how can we (as a group) lobby Honda to improve the quality? If we all take the attitude that they don't care anymore and we should be grateful they are still available, this seems like we are being defeatest.
We Should begin some active role. Perhaps these posts could be the birth of that beginning.
If we remain passive, we are by default beaten into acceptance of whatever may come our way. The formation of a coalition (I really don't like that word), a community, a group, a league, a concerned Honda owner's federation,...... whatever.
We have more than 6,000 members here. A persuasive, well written petition,
with signatures of the majority of people here could have some impact on Honda's representatives whom are responsible for the quality and brand effect of the Honda name.
The NRA (National Rifle Association) has frequently had success with a grass roots movement. Politicians may hate the NRA, but, they seldom ignore the NRA. Another example is the Dairy Association here in America. They are very powerful; I have read somewhere that they have more political muscle than the NRA, which most people discount as a fallacy....... but, the Dairy Association gets financial subsidies, the NRA does not.
As the current state of affairs stands, I submit that there could be little wrong with trying for an improvement.
~ ~ ~ jaknight ~ ~ ~