...thoses swarbrick pipes are nice and i really like the curved ones but i would have wanted the exhaust before i did my rear sets to be sure the curved ones would clear. Id hate to have to undo all my work to make the exhasut sit right. But the straight ones like tintop has done are a definite potability. Pmed you tintop.
Mine are actually the curved ones, straight ones would have sat stacked below the axle. To retain the side stand (had already removed the centre) we moved them (1&4) inside the lower frame rails, and 2&3 farther inboard. That was a PITA, and probably tripled my fitting costs. Its also the reason I had to come up with my remote filter. It required kurfing all the header pipes to slightly change their angles, and direction. Also had to change the lengths so everything came out were I wanted. Luckily, what we removed from two of them was exactly what was required to lengthen the other two. We also added kurfs to two if the megas so everything snugged up together again. They don't come with any mounts, so those also had to be fab'd to suit, along with clips to bolt them together. Mine are now basically a one of a kind custom set. Still need to fit baffles, as at anything over 2000 rpm, they break any noise law in NA.
My rear sets mounts were then made to fit to the pipes, and act as pick up points. They look great, and I'm very please with the end result, but the cost was huge. More than the Benji pipes, but less than the Japanese SS's. Wasn't sure it was all worth it, until the 1st time I started the bike and heard the glorious sound.
Hind sight being 20/20, I probably would have gone with the Benji's, but I still don't like the shape of his megas. The black ceramic coating also suits the bike better than SS would have.
My advice ffj, if you've got some headers you like, and want to keep to costs way down. Look for some megas you like, and then adapt them to your headers. Will require adding to & changing the bend(s) where they meet so the megas sit were you want, and also let you work around your rear sets. Then refinish the headers to match the megas.
my .02 - tintop