Author Topic: Flying J CB550 Cafe Racer Magazine.  (Read 185938 times)

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Re: FFJMOORE CB550 Atomic #13
« Reply #525 on: October 22, 2011, 12:10:32 PM »
No, I had my upholstery guy make it for me. I tried my hand at upholstery but it is difficult to make a nice seat if you don't have the right equipment.

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Re: FFJMOORE CB550 Atomic #13
« Reply #526 on: November 17, 2011, 08:18:30 PM »
No.I got my pipes already. I paid 8 for mine so it will be ingesting to see how much they go for. Pretty funny he says he built them for a guy back east. I live 4 hours from chris and when I bought mine he said he only made 2. I could never get a read on the guy. Sometimes he seems really shady, as you have experienced I'm sure and other times he has been really cool and helpful.  I was happy to get my pipes and he saved me some money on my rims. I wonder if he will ship those pipes to canada? Last I talked to him he had an embargo against canada. Lol


I was looking around Carpy’s site for a pipe and saw that he now has a Yoshi replica pipe for our 550’s. After a bunch of emails, I asked if these pipes where made by MotoGPWerks, cause if they where I’d pass. His reply was very interesting.

> No way
>He doesn't make any of his pipes at all, he has them made by a company called Power Pro's in
>Anaheim, he has never made any pipes himself at all, they make all his exhaust systems, just
>phone them and ask.

You went to MotoGPWerks when your pipe was being built. Did you ever get the impression that it was made by others? Sure makes you wonder who to believe.

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Re: FFJMOORE CB550 Atomic #13
« Reply #527 on: November 17, 2011, 09:33:07 PM »
The impression he gave me was that he built the exhaust. he did tell me that he had to have each piece laser cut so i knew that he had not done that part of it. If he did not build the exhaust, that would explain why it took so long and why he kept telling me "next week". Sounds like he had no say in when my exhaust would be done. Oh well, I may not know the full story but i was not happy with any exhaust that was currently available so i pushed for something new and thats what i got. Now  the yosh pipes he did claim that he made them for Carpy until they had a falling out. So if you call that place, you could settle the debate and see who is the liar.
« Last Edit: January 12, 2013, 09:04:34 AM by ffJMoore »

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Re: FFJMOORE CB550 Atomic #13
« Reply #528 on: November 17, 2011, 09:54:44 PM »
Interesting.. Carpy will also tell anyone that is listening that "he" make all his stuff, just read all his comments on his site, he makes nothing....Except bikes.....
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Offline FunJimmy

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Re: FFJMOORE CB550 Atomic #13
« Reply #529 on: November 18, 2011, 07:45:52 PM »
The impression he gave me was that he built the exhaust. he did tell me that he had to have each piece laser cut so i knew that he had not done that part of it. It would not surprise me if he did not build the exhaust. That would explain why it took so long and why he kept telling me "next week". Sounds like he had no say in when my exhaust would be done. Oh well, i may have got ripped off but i was not happy with any exhaust that was currently available so i pushed for something new and thats what i got. Now  the yosh pipes he did claim that he made them for Carpy until they had a falling out. So if you call that place, you could settle the debate and see who is the liar.


I’m certainly not implying that you got ripped off or didn’t receive an awesome exhaust. That system is one of the most unique and exotic exhaust systems I’ve ever seen. Envious too, but I just wish these vendors would give accurate and honest information when asked. I’ve sent 5 or more emails to Carpy about his exhaust system and I still don’t know how much they cost, or if the black one is ceramic coated, and how much more the black pipe is compared to a raw steel one. What does it take to buy parts from these guys?

Sorry about the hijack. Was just curious if you ever saw Chris with a welder in his hand making your pipe.

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Re: FFJMOORE CB550 Atomic #13
« Reply #530 on: December 15, 2011, 11:35:07 AM »
Well, I quit my Sushi job. I was not having fun and I had no time to work on bikes. Plastigauge the crank today and all is well so i guess i wont be replacing the bearings. .003 is the limit. Also cut a plate to mount all the electrics to.

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Re: FFJMOORE CB550 Atomic #13
« Reply #531 on: December 18, 2011, 09:59:08 AM »
First and only post,My name is Don from power pros we build dirt,atv,utv pipes for three well knowen companys since 1980 .Well i get a call about comments that we build Kris's pipes.
I met Kris when he moved from japan to U.s to work for Yosh,we live in the same area Yorba Linda.
Kris uses our manderal bender after working hours to build certin pipes for people ,in return he does our R&D and dynos any exhaust for free including our own line
I had to read most off the posts,back start of jan 2011 Kris with shows and traveling to a overseas race asked us to weld 5-6 pipes from the batch that he was producing well it turned out that the ones we welded moved while in the jig (welded too fast).Kris took it quite bad so we were going to post something earlier but Kris agreed he will sort it out everone got paid $100 refund and a new pipe if returned.
The rest is History with those 4-5 pipes that weren't 100%.
Now 4n4 cb550 pipe,Kris made the templates out of cardboard for us to laser them  but due to the work load these weren't done for 4-5 weeks (it was summer our busy period).I know he spent most nights after work making these for you.I charged him $320 for the material and programming with the laser.So he made nothing out off it,mid year he asked us to run another 3 sets as a cafe buildier needed them thats all i know but again he didn't get paid.
We don't build road pipes any questions on this is directed to Kris,I can be contacted by phone to confirm this I am the owner 714-777 fast.
It seems again that only a few want  to hang him high and a few that really need to Apologize by phone .
« Last Edit: December 18, 2011, 10:02:09 AM by power pro »

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Re: FFJMOORE CB550 Atomic #13
« Reply #532 on: December 18, 2011, 10:45:04 AM »
Thanks for that information. I hope it clears things up for people and that we can all move on. Like i said before I am happy with my pipes. I just wish i hadnt seen a set go for less then i paid on ebay... Or i guess i wish i had another CB550 that i could have bought them for.  ;D

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Re: FFJMOORE CB550 Atomic #13
« Reply #533 on: December 18, 2011, 05:42:10 PM »
with all this said... will Kris still ship to Canada? I have 2 550's that need pipes and man are those pipes nice! carpy has pipes but I just dont know...I would rather get pipes from the dude who has built them imo, and with this new info I know what pipes I need. ffj your bike is inspirational! I would be proud and loud to have a set.
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Re: FFJMOORE CB550 Atomic #13
« Reply #534 on: December 18, 2011, 06:01:52 PM »
So Chris makes his pipes, and carpy was misinformed. If you want Custom pipes call Chris. Be very patient. He is a nice guy but he was pretty pissed at all of canada and our forum.
Here is his info.

If anybody has any further comments please refrain from posting them in my build thread.
Thanks Guys

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Re: FFJMOORE CB550 Atomic #13
« Reply #535 on: December 19, 2011, 12:05:53 AM »
started primer today but i had to leave before i could apply paint so according the back of the can i have to wait 7 days for the primer to cure before i can spray the silver.

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Re: FFJMOORE CB550 Atomic #13
« Reply #536 on: December 19, 2011, 06:58:04 AM »
started primer today but i had to leave before i could apply paint so according the back of the can i have to wait 7 days for the primer to cure before i can spray the silver.
If you put it under some 500W halogen work lights, it'll cure faster.
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Re: FFJMOORE CB550 Atomic #13
« Reply #537 on: December 20, 2011, 10:33:24 AM »
Just wondering; what brand paint are you using?

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Re: FFJMOORE CB550 Atomic #13
« Reply #538 on: December 20, 2011, 12:08:08 PM »

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Re: FFJMOORE CB550 Atomic #13
« Reply #539 on: December 20, 2011, 09:30:35 PM »
Kinda off topic but i picked up a 68 Sears motorcycle. They were re badged Gilera 124s. I think this one is to far gone for me to restore. Anybody intrested?

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Re: FFJMOORE CB550 Atomic #13
« Reply #540 on: December 20, 2011, 09:43:58 PM »
I suggest POR15
It wont come off when the Carbs piss on it; any rattle can paint will.

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Re: FFJMOORE CB550 Atomic #13
« Reply #541 on: December 20, 2011, 11:55:36 PM »
Most rattle cans do fail with gas but according to caswell the paint im using will work. Have you had a bad experience with this stuff?

looks like they are just quoting the manufacture.

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Re: FFJMOORE CB550 Atomic #13
« Reply #542 on: December 21, 2011, 01:23:10 PM »
I used the VHT on the 550 (and didn't do the best prep job ::)), and after a season, and more than a few spills playing with jetting all is still OK.
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Re: FFJMOORE CB550 Atomic #13
« Reply #543 on: December 21, 2011, 01:41:18 PM »
Good to hear. I will carry on as planned.

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Re: FFJMOORE CB550 Atomic #13
« Reply #544 on: December 21, 2011, 04:15:41 PM »
I haven't tried that brand , but after trying just about everything else in a rattle can, then having it start to fail a few years down the road, left me determind to find something "virtually  Indestructible" but I'm a bit anal and don't like to do things twice... ; }

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Re: FFJMOORE CB550 Atomic #13
« Reply #545 on: December 21, 2011, 05:43:57 PM »
I haven't tried that brand , but after trying just about everything else in a rattle can, then having it start to fail a few years down the road, left me determind to find something "virtually  Indestructible" but I'm a bit anal and don't like to do things twice... ; }

About the only thing that I would consider that falls into that category Godffrey, would be powder.  But the masking has to be perfect, and the cost is unacceptably high in my opinion.  Even factory paint starts to fade / discolour after a few years from engine heat & sun exposure.  The key to the VHT is to bake it, or run the engine through some heat cycles to cure it.
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Re: FFJMOORE CB550 Atomic #13
« Reply #546 on: December 21, 2011, 06:15:42 PM »
after i paint it Im taking it to a friends house who has an oven in his garage to bake it on.

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Re: FFJMOORE CB550 Atomic #13
« Reply #547 on: December 22, 2011, 09:29:45 AM »
Does paint or coating affect how these engines cool?


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Re: FFJMOORE CB550 Atomic #13
« Reply #548 on: December 22, 2011, 12:02:16 PM »
Does paint or coating affect how these engines cool?

IMHO - yes.

I have been told that ceramic coating certainly does affect heat retention (that is why it gets used on pipes) so don't use it on engine parts.

By the same token, powder coating will too - to some degree (pun intended).

But I reckon we are pretty safe applying rattle can paint and baking it, it is a pretty thin layer.
« Last Edit: December 22, 2011, 12:04:08 PM by maduncle »

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Re: FFJMOORE CB550 Atomic #13
« Reply #549 on: December 22, 2011, 12:42:00 PM »
Actually its the opposite. Ceramic dissipates heat. That is why it is used in brake pads but its the fact that it holds up well to high temperatures that they use it in paints as well as well as bearings. So ceramic paint should help dissipate the heat. I believe that it is the thickness of powder coating that people say not to use it on motor parts. I am no expert though.