Author Topic: One to think about.  (Read 966 times)

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Offline Dusthawk

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One to think about.
« on: May 24, 2009, 04:32:26 AM »
This was Emailed to me today and it really hit a nerve. I thought I would share with all of my Brothers and Sisters here.


I saw you hug your purse closer to you in the grocery store line.
but you didn't see me put an extra $10.00 in the collection plate last Sunday.

I saw you pull your child closer when we passed each other on the sidewalk.
but you didn't see me playing Santa at the local mall.

I saw you change your mind about going into the restaurant.
But you didn't see me attending a meeting to raise more money for the hurricane relief.

I saw you roll up your window and shake your head when I drove by.
but you didn't see me driving behind you when you flicked your cigarette butt out the car window.

I saw you frown at me when I smiled at your children.
but you didn't see me when I took time off from work to run toys to the homeless.

I saw you stare at my long hair.
but you didn't see me and my friends cut ten inches off for Locks of Love.

I saw you roll your eyes at our leather coats and gloves.
but you didn't see me and my brothers donate our old coats and gloves to those that had none.

I saw you look in fright at my tattoos.
but you didn't see me cry as my children where born and have their name written over and in my heart.

I saw you change lanes while rushing off to go somewhere.
but you didn't see me going home to be with my family.

I saw you complain about how loud and noisy our bikes can be.
but you didn't see me when you were changing the CD and drifted into my lane.

I saw you yelling at your kids in the car.
But you didn't see me pat my child's hands, knowing he was safe behind me.

I saw you reading the newspaper or map as you drove down the road.
but you didn't see me squeeze my wife's leg when she told me to take the next turn.

I saw you race down the road in the rain.
but you didn't see me get soaked to the skin so my son could have the car to go on his date.

I saw you run the yellow light just to save a few minutes of time.
but you didn't see me trying to turn right

I saw you cut me off because you needed to be in the lane I was in.
but you didn't see me leave the road.

I saw you waiting impatiently for my friends to pass.
but you didn't see me. I wasn't there.

I saw you go home to your family.
but you didn't see me. Because, I died that day you cut me off.

I WAS JUST A BIKER, A person with friends and a family.

but you didn't see me.

1971 Honda CB750 K1 Chopper A.K.A. Rita

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Offline 74cb750

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Re: One to think about.
« Reply #1 on: May 24, 2009, 06:23:09 AM »
Seen this begfore, but it is a good one.
Laugh at least once a day.
Life  $ucks, then you die.
You are entitled to your own opinions, but not your own facts.
God forces us to live with  non-believers to test our resolve.

Offline Steve F

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Re: One to think about.
« Reply #2 on: May 24, 2009, 08:39:26 AM »
Too bad you can't get everyone that drives a 4-wheeler to read and UNDERSTAND this.  Most cage drivers are too distracted to be driving safely...cell phones, texting, iPods, MP3, GPS, Seats more comfortable that my easy chair at home, trying to decide what color nail polish to put on, reading the friggin newspaper and eating the McMuffin while "driving".  I'm glad to see legislation where texting and cellphone usage while driving is a ticketable offense.

Offline luder

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Re: One to think about.
« Reply #3 on: May 24, 2009, 12:45:22 PM »
Never read that before, way true...luder

Offline Dusthawk

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Re: One to think about.
« Reply #4 on: May 25, 2009, 12:52:59 AM »
I forwarded it to all my friends, bikers and cagers alike. Feel free to do likewise.
1971 Honda CB750 K1 Chopper A.K.A. Rita

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Offline shacolaid

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Re: One to think about.
« Reply #5 on: May 25, 2009, 04:32:24 AM »
Good one, too bad the great state of Pennsylvania did not pass legislation against using cell phones while driving.  I believe there was a bill to prohibit texting and use of hands free cell phones but the cell phone lobby was too strong.
2001 Triumph Speed Triple, 1976 CB 550


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Re: One to think about.
« Reply #6 on: May 25, 2009, 04:54:32 AM »
Good one, too bad the great state of Pennsylvania did not pass legislation against using cell phones while driving.  I believe there was a bill to prohibit texting and use of hands free cell phones but the cell phone lobby was too strong.

North Carolina has had similar problems, twice delaying legeslation to curb distraction by cellphones when operating a vehicle.

These should be no brainers  I know there is a free choice component, but your free choice should not involve my safety.


Offline tramp

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Re: One to think about.
« Reply #7 on: May 26, 2009, 02:50:23 AM »
always good to see that post
problem is your preaching to the choir
i wonder if there is a better way to get it out to the mainstream
1974 750k

Offline Dusthawk

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Re: One to think about.
« Reply #8 on: May 26, 2009, 06:45:38 PM »
That's why I posted it here as well as two of my other Forums I belong to, SeaDoo and Mobile Phone Forums. I asked them all to pass it along to all their friends.

Just copy and past to all the friends on your address book, I am sure you have a few Cagers in there, lolol. If even one Cager reads it and takes it to heart, we have done a service for all riders, and if wee keep it up more and more riders will be saved. All with a simple Email forwarded to everyone you know.
1971 Honda CB750 K1 Chopper A.K.A. Rita

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Offline myhondas

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Re: One to think about.
« Reply #9 on: May 26, 2009, 08:02:48 PM »
I wish more cagers could read and understand this... but it would be too difficult for them to put down their cell phones, newspapers, makeup, food, and other distractions that they can come up with.
1974 CB 750 K4 SHOWROOM
1974 CB 750 K4 IN PART-OUT PROCESS (my original bike)
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Offline bill440cars

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Re: One to think about.
« Reply #10 on: May 27, 2009, 09:58:03 AM »

       Excellant subject Jeff! ;)  I agree, shame we can't get it out to where others could read AND comprehend what they were reading. ::)

                                  Take care Brother,  Bill ;)
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Re: One to think about.
« Reply #11 on: May 28, 2009, 08:11:38 PM »
That's great man. It's a keeper and I'm forwarding it as well.

Thanks a bunch for posting.
1974 CB550K     
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