I have a dilemma. I cannot figure out why my bike is running kinda rough. It loses power at 5500 - 6000 rpms.
I just cleaned the carbs, cleaned the petcock, fresh oil, fresh gas, just set the timing 2 weeks ago, along with the valves. the only thing I have not done is adjust the cam chain.
Anyway, while I had the carbs off last week I adjusted the floats. The book said to adjust to 22mm, but this is impossible on my set. when the float is extended completely, it doesn't go to 22mm. I decided to set them at 12.5mm since I have seen that number in alot of threads for the carbs. (the other choice of mine was 14mm)
Everything was fine for a week...ran great, full power etc. I went down in a ditch a couple nights ago, and after that I noticed the power loss at high rpms. It was probably was happening before that, but I don't race around too much so i would not have noticed. I already checked for vacuum leaks and exhaust leaks and there are none.
The carbs are stamped 022A on the cylinder 4 side of the metal runner tubes between the carbs and head. Not sure if they are though since I cannot get the float height to what the book says.
Should I pull the carbs yet again and try 14mm?