Tech Forums > SOHC/4 Bikes
spark plug tips
I am installing a new set of accell coils and wires on my 72 cb500. I just noticed last night that the boots and ends of plugs are not a compatible match. The plug has a small threaded end and the boot looks like it is set up to fit a more "traditional" plug with a larger diameter end. Can I just find a tip that will screw on to the plug, or do I need to change the boot?
You need to get a new set of spark plugs. They will come with the optional tip to screw onto the threaded tip that will allow you to use the accell plug caps.
If you call around to bike shops, sometimes you'll come across one that saves a handful of the thread-on tips from spark plugs they've installed. A set of four won't cost but a few pennies, and cheaper than new plugs if you don't need them yet.
Drop into any local garage. We throw those plug tips away by the dozen as they come with all plugs & not many vehicles use them these days.
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