Aussie guy wants us to explain in the USA here how some car company can't fire more Union workers who stand there ( if they even do, if a machine doesn't do it 100%) and slap a lead weight on a tire and wheel all day, when they're not at the Union make work "workshop" getting paid to not show up or play cards or just show up for the free lunch. LOL
Gee, that's right, the UNION controls that, and you know who controls it all ever the more.
I suspect a GM has a machine that slaps the weights on, and has for sometime, and if it doesn't that's too bad...
It's not like we're talking retail here.
Patronizing now eh, this not a political thread and there is innovation in the motor industry almost daily and this is passed down to the consumer in almost every new model. Now it looks like you are trying your hardest to dumb things down just to justify your point but its laughable. Most of the innovations in our bikes and cars are a direct result of technology developed for motor racing, this is a fact also these beads are NOT to be used for racing or harder than "highway" use so as far as i and many others are concerned these will never make it into their or my bikes. Did you even bother to look at what that PDF file says.?
Mick, you replied to a post I made to another person before you posted the PDF file and asked me to tell you what I think. Not only that, you - even though I never mentioned it or repsonded to you about the PDF file and what I thought about it after reading it, ASSUMED I had already answered you on it, then proceeded to tell me about it, as if I had EVER argued against what you said concerning it, which of course, I have not, but may, and reserve the right to do so, in the future.
So Mick, you're practially into outer space.
Now, about you claiming I made it politics, no, that of course was not the point, the point was, the car industry doesn't just implement what Mick thinks it should, because Mick says it could save them money.
So Mick, I've made a half dozen or more points on how they could LOSE MONEY implementing the beads, that NEVER crossed your e-CEO insta-fudiciary analyst mind. Gee, I wonder how that happened. Point was the UNION is a bulwark against changes, or can be - etc.
Now, you want me to read a pdf... ok.