For those that may have seen some of my threads about the house I bought a couple of years ago I have had some interesting finds and no shortage of headaches! Well this weekend I was acually starting to feel pretty good about it...I got the garage sorted out (tore out the wall/floor that he had installed for his "snakes" read: grow-op), spent the weekend getting the pool opened up and was pleasantly surprised to find out that my vinyl fix had worked (yay a $2600 bill averted for the time being!) and officially ordered the new garage doors/aluminum fascia. Even went out and spent a few hundred (ALMOST 500) on new openers etc so that when the doors are in I can easily open and close them from outside (a plus after riding as I won't need to take off my gear then come in the house and then go back out through the garage and put the bike away.
So today I had my bubble burst...GOD DAMN SKYLIGHTS ARE LEAKING AGAIN!!!! Unfortunately I can't get out of the garage door deal since they were a special order for the colour I wanted

. I have patched these things 3 or 4 times already...I think I am going to have to bite the bullet and call in a roofer. Looks like the CBR might be going on the block after all...CRAP!!! Why did I sell my old place again?!?!?
Rant over...I am off to drown my sorrows and watch the Wings beat the Hawks!