My '83 Nighthawk 550. It's finally at a point where I feel comfortable sharing it, so here goes:

Over the past couple of months, I've completed the following:
- Oil/filter (10w40 GTX)
- Battery
- Stator
- Wiring harness
- Starter solenoid
- Starter
- Regulator/rectifier
- Front brake pads
- Fork rebuild
- Brake fluid flush
- Replace Horn
- Oil/filter (5w40 Rotella T)
- Rear end oil change
- Clutch fluid flush
- Oil/filter (15w40 Rotella T)
- SV650 handlebars
- New tires
I've put over 2000 miles on it since getting it, and it's treated me pretty well. The tank is in pretty rough shape with a lot of dents and scratches, so I wouldn't mind a repaint. Also the cam chain is rattling pretty good, and the valve cover weeps a little oil, so in the next month I'll be pulling that apart and installing a new gasket.