Author Topic: Crashed today  (Read 1344 times)

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Offline rbmgf7

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Crashed today
« on: May 31, 2009, 04:42:24 PM »
My first bike "crash" I guess. Was riding the twisty-turny road up to the Lake of the Ozarks following a group of cars for about 40 miles. After passing through a town down in a valley, the road began to climb a hill while sweeping slightly to the right. The group of cars jetted off up the hill before I accelerated up to the increased speed limit. At the peak, the road flattened out and the cars had come to a halt as one of them in front was trying to make a left turn onto a county road. Immediately when I noticed they were at a stand still, I locked the rear brake and squeezed the front brakes as much as I could (I have the dual discs which suck). Managed to get down to ~15mph before I slammed into the SUV ahead of me. With my remaining inertia, I leaped up off the right side of the bike supermaning into a grassy ditch. I did a front flip when I landed and hopped back on my feet. My gear helped take in all the impact and I wasn't even phased by the landing. Ran back up to the bike which was now lying on it's right side, lifted it back up, and pushed it across the road onto the county road. Inspected the bike and the only noticeable problems I saw were a couple dents in the tank, bent points cover, and my oil cooler managed to get loose and wedge itself between the mount point and front tire. The cooler yanked the hoses off and squirted a little oil on the bike but that was about it.

Lucky the car behind me was in view to lay down on his brakes before he ran over me. There was a second guy not expecting it and had to lock up his brakes to avoid me and the guy behind me. Just a nasty stretch of road overall. The intersection lies in between blind turns going both ways.

Sucks. If I had about 10 more feet, I would have made it. DAMN YOU FRONT BRAKES!

Offline Retro Rocket

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Re: Crashed today
« Reply #1 on: May 31, 2009, 04:48:42 PM »
I wouldn't blame your front brakes too much, locking the back brake really does nothing to slow you down and increases stopping distance, 90% front and 10% rear and go down gears as fast as you can. The problem with locking the rear is you make steering around anything impossible . I would brush up on stopping technique, find a little used back road and go out and practice.

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Offline Johnie

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Re: Crashed today
« Reply #2 on: May 31, 2009, 04:50:42 PM »
Glad you are around to tell us about it.  Damage does not sound terrible either.  Would have to say your are real lucky.  So many guys do not live to tell your story.  What protection were you wearing?
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Offline DammitDan

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Re: Crashed today
« Reply #3 on: May 31, 2009, 04:59:24 PM »
I would second brushing up on stopping technique...  It's one of the things they stress in the MSF courses:  "Don't lock up your rear brake!"

I've had a very similar situation, except mine involved paying more attention to the college girls in the convertible next to me than the pickup which had stopped up ahead in the lane to turn left.  I almost ended up sideways due to locking up my rear brake.  Fortunately I stopped with 3 feet to spare, but I completely forgot to downshift and locking up the rear just made me panic.

It's a scary experience, but worth it.  I drilled my stopping technique after that and now I know exactly how much pressure I can put on the front brakes before the front end locks up.

Glad you only came through with a few bumps and bruises though.  It coulda been much worse...  Imagine if you hadn't been paying attention!

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Re: Crashed today
« Reply #4 on: May 31, 2009, 05:11:35 PM »
Glad your ok.   I did just about the same thing many years ago.
No mater what brakes or tires you have it comes down to road conditions.  Practice does help greatly.
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Offline rbmgf7

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Re: Crashed today
« Reply #5 on: May 31, 2009, 06:48:12 PM »
i completely agree with the proper braking techniques. i know the extent of my front brake and at the time, if i didn't lock up the rear i would've ate more on my crash. during the skreetching up to the jump, i was spending my time focusing on keeping the bike balanced and upright because i knew if it slipped out from underneath me, i would've had zero control and possibly ended up in the other lane.

my gear was my bulky fulmer helmet, field shear mesh jacket with plastic inserts, and joe rocket padded leather gloves. I only had blue jeans on (yeah, i know. not as good as leathers but better then shorts) for pants and my wolverine work boots.

Offline bill440cars

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Re: Crashed today
« Reply #6 on: May 31, 2009, 07:19:40 PM »

         As has been said, glad you are all right and that your bike isn't worse also. In my younger days, I did something like that, 2 different times and because I was gawking at a fine looking girl each time. Wasn't going very fast each time and had very minimal damage. Each time, I climbed off of the trunk if the car in front of me. ::) One of those times, I had a buddy with me AND he had to get off of me, so I could get off of the trunk of the car. ::) ;D That particular time, it bent up the front fender and I took it off at a nearby gas station ( yeah, a gas station ). That should tell you that it was a very long time ago. I handed the fender to my buddy, we climbed back on the old 125 Jawa and went on to school.

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Re: Crashed today
« Reply #7 on: June 01, 2009, 12:42:23 AM »
Glad you're safe and no real damage. I hit the rear bumper of a car once but it was due to me checking out a sweet ass on the sidewalk. Probably the one and only stoppie I'll ever do. Talk about embarassing! I still do it just watch my distance now.
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Offline tramp

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Re: Crashed today
« Reply #8 on: June 01, 2009, 03:04:02 AM »
glad your none the worse for the wear
why did you rely on your rear when the front brake has 80% of your stopping power?
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Re: Crashed today
« Reply #9 on: June 01, 2009, 07:31:28 AM »
Main thing is you're ok, right?
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Re: Crashed today
« Reply #10 on: June 01, 2009, 08:55:56 AM »
Glad you're ok!

I have a 78F and had the front brakes dialed in before a big rebuild I'm in the middle of. 

You should look into the braking system, because when in "tune" they don't suck at all :)  Maybe rebuild your MC, new pads, and upgrade to ss braided lines.

Best of luck getting her back together.
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Offline Laminar

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Re: Crashed today
« Reply #11 on: June 01, 2009, 01:28:34 PM »
why did you rely on your rear when the front brake has 80% of your stopping power?

He used the front brake:

Immediately when I noticed they were at a stand still, I locked the rear brake and squeezed the front brakes as much as I could

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Re: Crashed today
« Reply #12 on: June 01, 2009, 02:33:02 PM »
I usually tap the rear brake to start the inertial weight distribution started toward the front brake, then squeeze the front brake as much as possible, then bringing in the rear brake again lightly, for emergency stops.

Glad yer ok, man.

Offline goon 1492

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Re: Crashed today
« Reply #13 on: June 01, 2009, 02:50:30 PM »
Good to see your ok brother, I know those back roads you talk of, and they are just what you described. I used to go down to the ozarks all the way to johnson shutin's, elephant rock quarry and all, even around to the current river and jacks fork river, some fo most beautiful caves to find and get lost in.
 Can't beat ozark mountain country. Wait yeah ya can with some ozark moutain music. Be safe and what is the story on the bike for now, get a parts list and let us know, might me some horse tradin' in you near future  ;)
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Offline BobbyR

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Re: Crashed today
« Reply #14 on: June 01, 2009, 03:04:00 PM »
I am really glad you are OK and hope you get the bike back in top condition soon. When I took the MSF course they stressed that people rely on their brakes far too much to avoid a collision. They find that many times people just drive right into things expecting the brakes to stop them in time, or that brakes are their only option. They stress practicing going around things if possible. In your case it may not have been possible, this is for the other folks reading this. I practiced it parking lots and a few days ago, it came in very handy. I had to get around an unsignaled left tunrer, I trusted the bike to turn and it did.  Truly glad you are fine it could have been ugly.
« Last Edit: June 01, 2009, 03:05:35 PM by BobbyR »
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Offline goon 1492

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Re: Crashed today
« Reply #15 on: June 01, 2009, 03:12:44 PM »
That is an execelent point Bobby, that is how I learned how to drive in the snow, hit up the parking lot after the cold #$%*e stuff came down and made the truck lose control an dfound what it took to gain it back, and I learned how to drift before it was a kewl thing to do. 8) ;D
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Offline sangyo soichiro

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Re: Crashed today
« Reply #16 on: June 01, 2009, 03:17:14 PM »
I try to slow down anytime I can't see too far up the road.  This includes when I go over hills (can't see what's on the other side), around curves (if I can't see what's around the curve), and at night when my headlights only go so far.

Glad you're okay.  I liked your description of the superman ditch maneuver.   :)
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Offline Retro Rocket

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Re: Crashed today
« Reply #17 on: June 04, 2009, 06:54:53 PM »
Sorry rbmgf7 , i should have also said i am glad you got out of it ok,. Go practice now and ride safe mate...

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Re: Crashed today
« Reply #18 on: June 04, 2009, 11:56:53 PM »
Glad to hear you are ok. 

For motorcycle riders, safety is a funny notion.  Many riders that I know (myself included) are drawn at least some to riding because there are elements of risk involved in riding.  Call it what you like... heightened awareness, sensory overload, feeling alive, whatever. 

In combination with this, motorcycle riders must (most of us do) make safety a huge priority.  You can be in lots of car accidents and never suffer so much as a scratch.  Motorcycle accidents, on the other hand, often take their "pound of flesh".... or worse... just ask lots of people on this forum.. or in this thread.     

I often wish there were more on this forum about safety (maybe I haven't looked hard enough).  I found this somewhere and thought it was good enough to re-gurge: 

50 steps to Stay Alive

1. Assume you're invisible.
To a lot of drivers, you are. Never make a move based on the assumption that another driver sees you, even if you've made eye contact. Bikes don't register to the four-wheel mind.

2. Be considerate.
The consequences of strafing the jerk du jour or cutting him off, start out bad and get worse. Pretend it was your grandma and smile.

3. Dress for the crash, not the pool or the pub.
Sure, McDonalds is a 5-minute trip, but nobody plans to eat pavement. Modern mesh gear means 100-degree heat is no excuse for a T-shirt and board shorts.

4. Hope for the best, prepare for the worst.
Assume that car across the intersection will turn across your bow when the light goes green, with or without a turn signal.

5. Leave your ego at home.
The only people who really care if you were faster on the freeway will be the officer and the judge.

6. Pay attention.
Yes, there is a half-naked girl on the billboard. That shock does feels squishy. Meanwhile, you could be drifting toward Big Trouble. Focus.

7. Mirrors only show you part of the picture.
Never change direction without turning your head to make sure the coast really is clear.

8. Be patient.
Always take another second or three before you pull out to pass, ride away from a curb or into freeway traffic from an on-ramp. It's what you don't see that gets you. That extra look could save your butt.

9. Watch your closing speed.
Passing cars at twice their speed or changing lanes to shoot past a row of stopped cars is just asking for trouble.

10. Beware the verge and the merge.
A lot of nasty surprises end up on the sides of the road: empty McDonalds bags, nails, TV antennas, ladders, you name it. Watch for debris on both sides of the road.

11. Left-turning cars remain a leading killer of motorcyclists.
Dont assume someone will wait for you to dart through the intersection. They're trying to beat the light, too.

12. Beware of cars running traffic lights.
The first few seconds after a signal light changes are the most perilous. Look both ways before barging into an intersection.

13. Check your mirrors.
Do it every time you change lanes, slow down or stop. Be ready to move if another vehicle is about to occupy the space youd planned to use.

14. Mind the gap.
Remember Drivers Ed? One seconds worth of distance per 10 mph is the old rule of thumb. Better still, scan the next 12 seconds ahead for potential trouble.

15 Beware of racers.
They're quick and aggressive. Dont assume you've beaten one away from a light or outpaced it in traffic and change lanes without looking. You could end up as a civic hood ornament.

16. Excessive entrance speed hurts.
Its the leading cause of single-bike accidents on twisty roads and racetracks. In Slow, Out Fast is the old adage, and it still works. Dialing up corner speed is safer than scrubbing it off.

17. Dont trust that deer whistle.
Ungulates and other feral beasts prowl at dawn and dusk, so heed those big yellow signs. If you're riding in a target-rich environment, slow down and watch the shoulders.

18. Learn to use both brakes.
The front does most of your stopping, but a little rear brake on corner entry can calm a nervous chassis.

19. Keep the front brake covered always.
Save a single second of reaction time at 60 mph and you can stop 88 feet shorter. Think about that.

20. Look where you want to go.
Use the miracle of target fixation to your advantage. The motorcycle goes where you look, so focus on the solution instead of the problem.

21. Keep your eyes moving.
Traffic is always shifting, so keep scanning for potential trouble. Dont lock your eyes on any one thing for too long unless youre actually dealing with trouble.

22. Think before you act.
Careful whipping around that micra going 7 kph in a 30-kph zone or you could end up with your head in the drivers side door when he turns into the driveway right in front of you.

23. Raise your gaze.
Its too late to do anything about the 20 feet immediately in front of your fender, so scan the road far enough ahead to see trouble and change trajectory.

24. Get your mind right in the driveway.
Most accidents happen during the first 15 minutes of a ride, below 40 mph, near an intersection or driveway. Yes, that could be your driveway.

25. Come to a full stop at that next stop sign.
Put a foot down. Look again. Anything less forces a snap decision with no time to spot potential trouble.

26. Never dive into a gap in stalled traffic.
Cars may have stopped for a reason, and you may not see why until its too late to do anything about it.

27 Dont saddle up more than you can handle.
If you weigh 95 pounds, avoid that 795-pound cruiser. If you're 5-foot-5, forget those towering adventure-tourers.

28. Watch for car doors opening in traffic.
And smacking a car that's swerving around some goofballs open door is just as painful.

29. Dont get in an intersection rut.
Watch for a two-way stop after a string of four-way intersections. If you expect cross-traffic to stop, there could be a painful surprise when it doesn't.

30. Stay in your comfort zone when youre with a group.
Riding over your head is a good way to end up in the ditch. Any bunch worth riding with will have a rendezvous point where youll be able to link up again.

31. Give your eyes some time to adjust.
A minute or two of low light heading from a well-lighted garage onto dark streets is a good thing. Otherwise, youre essentially flying blind for the first mile or so

32. Master the slow U-turn.
Practice. Park your butt on the outside edge of the seat and lean the bike into the turn, using your body as a counterweight as you pivot around the rear wheel.

33. Who put a stop sign at the top of this hill?
Dont panic. Use the rear brake to keep from rolling back down. Use Mr. Throttle and Mr. Clutch normally and smoothly to pull away.

34. If it looks slippery, assume it is.
A patch of suspicious pavement could be just about anything. Butter Flavor Crisco? Gravel? Mobil 1? Or maybe its nothing. Better to slow down for nothing than go on your head.

35. Bang! A blowout! Now what?
No sudden moves. The motorcycle isnt happy, so be prepared to apply a little calming muscle to maintain course Ease back the throttle, brake gingerly with the good wheel and pull over very smoothly to the shoulder. Big sigh.

36. Drops on the faceshield?
Its raining. Lightly misted pavement can be slipperier than when its been rinsed by a downpour, and you never know how much grip there is. Apply maximum-level concentration, caution and smoothness.

37. Emotions in check?
To paraphrase Mr. Ice Cube, chickity-check yoself before you wreck yoself.
Emotions are as powerful as any drug, so take inventory every time you saddle up. If youre mad, sad, exhausted or anxious, stay put.

38. Wear good gear.
Wear stuff that fits you and the weather. If youre too hot or too cold or fighting with a jacket that binds across the shoulders, you're dangerous. Its that simple.

39. Leave the iPod at home.
You wont hear that cement truck in time with Spinal Tap cranked to 11, but they might like your headphones in intensive care.

40. Learn to swerve.
Be able to do two tight turns in quick succession. Flick left around the bag of briquettes, then right back to your original trajectory. The bike will follow your eyes, so look at the way around, not the briquettes. Now practice till its a reflex.

41. Be smooth at low speeds.
Take some angst out, especially of slow-speed maneuvers, with a bit of rear brake. It adds a welcome bit of stability by minimizing unwelcome weight transfer and potentially bothersome driveline lash.

42. Flashing is good for you.
Turn signals get your attention by flashing, right? So a few easy taps on the pedal or lever before stopping makes your brake light more eye-catching to trailing traffic.

43. Intersections are scary, so hedge your bets.
Put another vehicle between your bike and the possibility of someone running the stop sign/red light on your right and you cut your chances of getting nailed in half.

44. Tune your peripheral vision.
Pick a point near the center of that wall over there. Now scan as far as you can by moving your attention, not your gaze. The more you can see without turning your head, the sooner you can react to trouble.

45. All alone at a light that wont turn green?
Put as much motorcycle as possible directly above the sensor wire usually buried in the pavement beneath you and located by a round or square pattern behind the limit line. If the light still wont change, try putting your kickstand down, right on the wire. You should be on your way in seconds.

46. Every-thing is harder to see after dark.
Adjust your headlights, Carry a clear faceshield and have your game all the way on after dark, especially during commuter hours.

47. Dont troll next toor right behind Mr. Peterbilt.
If one of those 18 retreads blows upwhich they do with some regularity it de-treads, and that can be ugly. Unless you like dodging huge chunks of flying rubber, keep your distance.

48. Take the panic out of panic stops.
Develop an intimate relationship with your front brake. Seek out some safe, open pavement. Starting slowly, find that fine line between maximum braking and a locked wheel, and then do it again, and again.

49. Make your tires right.
None of this stuff matters unless your skins are right. Dont take em for granted Make sure pressure is spot-on every time you ride. Check for cuts, nails and other junk they might have picked up, as well as general wear.

50. Take a deep breath.
Count to 10. Smile at the idiot. Forgetting some clowns 80-mph indiscretion beats running the risk of ruining your life, or ending it.
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Offline Laminar

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Re: Crashed today
« Reply #19 on: June 05, 2009, 06:43:32 AM »
19. Keep the front brake covered always.
Save a single second of reaction time at 60 mph and you can stop 88 feet shorter. Think about that.

I like this one.