Yes you are in the "other bikes" section so pefectly fine. Soos was most likely cranky cause I sent him the wrong wheel
. I might be able to borrow a gun and check mine this weekend.
no it took glen a day or so to move the thread to the proper place....
And yes I was having a bad day, nothing to do with you 650.(BTW, PM on the way 650)
Sorry for snipping at you there..
Oh, and as far as a 50 degree difference, my cb650 has the inner two running about 40-45 degrees hotter than the outer two. depending on the RPM I hold the motor at.
So (IMO) nothing too major there.
My cb650 is a '79 with lots of mods, ignition, pistons, carbs, oil cooler, and on, and on...
Although a plug chop can't hurt by any means though.
Lots of threads on the subject.