OK so I don't have it as bad as some of you others, but if my shop ever got that cold...I'd shut the door and slouch by the fire. let's be practical here.
I only said cold....not absoloutly sub freezing-hypothermo-sumtin
Comfort is my concern,
IR Heater it is..From the book...
Quartz heaters are ideal for heating areas where it would not be practical or cost effective to raise the overall ambient temperature.
They provide the solution to heating areas which might otherwise be considered unheatable, such as factories, workstations, warehouse loading bays, community halls and churches. In fact the possible applications for Quartz heating are almost limitless.
Quartz heaters work by providing a highly directional beam of radiant heat, rather like the heating effect of the sun. The short wavelength at which energy is emitted means that heat passes through the air far more effectively than from conventional infra red type radiant heaters, even in very humid environments. This means heat up time is almost instantaneous and the 'throw' of heat is considerably greater than conventional heating appliances, allowing high level mounting.
Thanks Lloyd, and everyone else too, although between blankets, tapestries and plastic, I'd feel like being either in a horror movie or the salvation army.