I interperet this graph to be the relationship between required power and available power. The required torque is shown by the curves with the percentages (the bottom most being the "level road with rider in prone position curve). The percentages represent uphill grades. The torque curve looking plots with ordinal annotations (1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th, 5th) are the amount of "thrust" you get in a particular gear with WOT. The straight lines simply represent the gearing chart for the gearbox, sprocket combo, tire size that the bike was furnished with.
SO...if you wanted to know how fast you could go up a 20% grade in 3rd gear the answer would be about 90Mph revving about 8500 rpm. When you went to shift up to 4th, the bike would slow down and only be able to pull to about 85MPH at 6,5oo rpm. I'm not sure how useful this chart really is except to give you an idea of how fast it can go... (or let you know that your top speed up a 60 percent grade is 47Mph at 9,000 rpm in first gear - and you'll have to rev it to 3,000 rpm and slip the clutch to keep it from stalling)