Author Topic: Goddamn Sprint...  (Read 757 times)

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Offline babyfood1217

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Goddamn Sprint...
« on: June 01, 2009, 03:27:54 PM »
I'll preface this by saying that I've pretty much had no problems with sprint, and I'm gonna stick with them...

Been with Sprint for close to 10 years.  Over the years, I've managed to get myself into a 1000 minute plan for $39.99 a month, with unlimited text and data, and 100 free roaming minutes.  Pretty f***ing awesome I think.  They claim it was because I've been a loyal customer who pays his bills.  Cool. 

My parents finally decide they should get phones (their folks are mid-upper eighties and starting to depend on others for help), but aren't sure which carrier/plan/phones to get.  I offer to help.  They accept said help.  Cool.

I mention the idea of adding two additional lines to my current plan, and we could all share the minutes.  Based on their phone usage, we could then review independent plans for them to share (so they wouldn't be on mine anymore.)  Think of it a softened entrance into the cell phone scene: They get to preview what they would be getting/what they would need. 

My plan is eligible for up to 3 lines at no additional monthly charge for the 2nd and 3rd phone.  Ok.  Three phones sharing 1000 minutes, all for the price of my single plan as it stood before all of the rigamuhrole. 

Then sh*t hits the fan...

Turns out the family free + clear 1000 plan I am on is no longer offered.  I am still in contract with it for another year, but only because I'm grandfathered in.  Though its' not offered, it is still eligible for those three lines.  At least four of the customer service agents I talked said it was.  The other three said it wasn't.  The three said I would either need to cancel my current plan ($$$) and enroll in a new, unimproved family plan with the three lines for a lot more $$$ than I pay now with fewer minutes, OR, I could keep my plan as is, start the new phones off on new lines with independent monthly fees from my own. 

Well, the 7th agent I spoke with assured me that I could still add-a-line to my existing plan., no additional fees (gotta pay for the handset, but that's all), and all three lines would pull from the same 1000 minute pool.  Well, got the phones, set them up, and a few weeks later, what shows up in the mail?  A $340 bill from Sprint for my line, two handset purchases (didn't send the $100 total in rebates, nor apply it anywhere), two NEW individual plans ($40 a month per plan, plus some stupid prorated monthly charge - don't understand that, have only had them three weeks max, so how does that count as more than one month?!?), an additional handset purchases (this charge was credited back, but without the tax...nice >:(), and then a $28 charge for the casual data usage which I specifically had them block when I had the phone activated.


I called Sprint, and managed to work my way up to a Retentions agent.  Everyone was polite, and the agent, Matt, was very forthcoming and apologetic.  He acknowledge from the archived notes all the conversations I had with previous agent regarding the plan questions and whatnot, and he said he didn't know why the agent who "said I could" did just that.  If it was an option, that agent would have added the lines right away rather than create two new lines.  Matt is actually trying to work around this crap with me so I don't get majorly screwed.  I don't have to worry about losing my sweet plan, but now I gotta tell mom and dad that they might have to foot some of their own cell phone bill, which will inevitably be overpriced and low on minutes (this was supposed to be a gift from me to them for everything they have helped me with.)  Thats' the crappiest part.  Damn Sprint. 

I hate call centers.  I'd bet money all this crap (at least all the misunderstanding and misdirection) could've been avoided if I had not been transferred to a high volume call center.  I tend to find that with customer service situations, volume negates quality, and vice versa.  I'd rather the people I talk to only have a few customers a day and know what they doing than 150 a day and know how to say yessir and nosir.

Aside from that, I love Sprint...

but not my Motorola V3 Razr.

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Offline babyfood1217

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Re: Goddamn Sprint...
« Reply #1 on: June 01, 2009, 03:33:40 PM »
...volume negates quality...


This only applies to call centers, not necessarily to bike builds! ;D ;)
I need help moving my project bike from Wisconsin to Seattle, WA.  Willing to pay well.  Contact if interested.

SOHC member: #438

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Re: Goddamn Sprint...
« Reply #2 on: June 02, 2009, 02:40:21 AM »
i've had sprint for years too
never heard of grandfathering a plan before
guess i'll have to wait to see if it happens to me
1974 750k

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Re: Goddamn Sprint...
« Reply #3 on: June 02, 2009, 01:13:45 PM »
Sprint sucks, dump 'em.
Any company that dumps users because they complain too much doesn't deserve to be in business.
If your service didn't dump calls so much and your policies were not pure shyte then maybe people wouldn't complain so much!
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Re: Goddamn Sprint...
« Reply #4 on: June 02, 2009, 02:10:07 PM »
Do you have the number to retentions?  Have you checked out ??

I've had Sprint for quite a while and I am convinced that if you don't get what you want when you talk to the 1st person, you will have to hang up and get another person who may help you.  When all else fails, talk to retentions.

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Re: Goddamn Sprint...
« Reply #5 on: June 02, 2009, 03:13:29 PM »
Sprint sucks, dump 'em.
Any company that dumps users because they complain too much doesn't deserve to be in business.
If your service didn't dump calls so much and your policies were not pure shyte then maybe people wouldn't complain so much!


I left sprint years ago for horrible customer service and some of the priciest plans ever. I'm with t-mobile now and as far as Minneapolis goes it's great coverage, I never lose calls, and have never had a bad experience with the customer service reps.

Sprint is definatly worth it's weight in $h!t.
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Re: Goddamn Sprint...
« Reply #6 on: June 02, 2009, 08:04:25 PM »
I have had Sprint for 7 years now and have almost as good a plan as Babyfood. Not quite as good but I am happy with it overall. They had a problem a few months where I got extra charges but they credited me after only one call. I don't think I'll add any lines anytime soon but I don't see any problems in the near future, let alone in the next few years.
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Offline Hope

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Re: Goddamn Sprint...
« Reply #7 on: June 03, 2009, 08:26:24 AM »
I have an awesome plan... I pay 30 bucks a month for

I also got them to give me the First incoming minute free, Unlimited Nights & Weekends at 6PM & unlimited text messages.

When my bill is over $30, I call them and get it straight.  Of course, they always remind me that I am on a highly discounted plan already...  but that does not change the fact that when they mess up my bill they are wrong...

And they are not entitled to just add charges.

Call retentions.  

Customer Service No Wait Time:
888-312-0050 (option 2)

*2 (at the voice prompts state “CANCEL”)

Retentions No Wait Time:

(Retentions have been know to get your stuff straight when no one else will.  Also, sometimes they give out free stuff for your frustration.)

« Last Edit: June 03, 2009, 08:39:51 AM by Hope »

Offline babyfood1217

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Re: Goddamn Sprint...
« Reply #8 on: June 03, 2009, 09:15:45 AM »
Well because of all the runaround I seemed to be getting from the different reps during the numerous times I called, I now show up on their database a a high-frequency caller, and get sent to their high-frequency/retentions office in SoCal.  I have been given a direct line to Matt, and get him and him only with my questions now.  That's one thing I like is being able to talk to someone who has a knowledge of my history and remembers what my issues and concerns are. 

Said and done, we got the issue resolved as best as possible.  I did some price comparison between Sprint and the comparable plans offered by Verizon/US Cellular/T-Mobile/Criket, and I kept my folks with Sprint.  Matt backdated all the charges with the newer, updated, lower charges and was able to eliminate some other issues I had.

We'll see how it goes from here.
I need help moving my project bike from Wisconsin to Seattle, WA.  Willing to pay well.  Contact if interested.

SOHC member: #438

Project: 1976 CB750K
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