Its been a bit but I have been busy... The Bikebandit order comes tomorrow that will cover brakes, clutch, carb parts, uni air filter and sprokets.
The seat leaves wednesday for recovering at a local shop. While the seat is out I will adjust the cam chain and valves, pull the carbs.
I found a thread on here about making a soda blaster on the cheap and thought I would give it a shot. I went to a hardware store and picked up a few items. They had cheap universal media blasters that look like paint guns for like 16 bucks but they either have the hopper on the top or on the bottom. I wanted one with a remote hopper so its not so bulky.
cheap air gun 3.99
cheap regulator 6.99
coupler set 1.99
Tubing 1.50
tape .49
piece of copper tube freebie
total with tax $16.16
Then I went to dollar store and bought 6 boxes of baking soda for $3.00 (no tax)
total with blasting media $19.16
Cheapest soda blaster rig I could find is $99.00 without media, blasting gun or couplers.
Here are pics.

This is a closeup of the regulator... I figure a little adjustment in the rig is good?

The junction where they meet is stupid simple... both go in a large tube and its taped...

Haven't tried it yet but worst thing that happens is I have a new fancy air gun and a bunch of baking soda. I will keep updates when I try it out.
Completely off topic though... I found a pic even an avid cat hater can't resist...

That is my cat when he was 3 weeks old... I found out he liked to be in a safe, quiet spot so he found one.