Reminds me of when I went to my nephew's wedding somewhere north of San Diego. I knew I was low on gas, so before we left to go the the chapel, I asked him how far to the nearest gas station. He didn't know, and said the chapel was only a few miles up the road. The "few miles" turned out to be over 20, and I ran out of gas on the way there. The wedding was about to start in 20 minutes!
We ran out of gas near this school, where there was a grounds keeper out in the field mowing. The grounds keeper, a very "butch" lady stopped what she was doing, and asked if we needed any help. I explained the situation, and she went to the garage and brought us 5 gal. of gas. She absoultely refused any money, and gave us directions to ge to the chapel quicker than the planned route we had. Kudos to her! I'll never forget that, and the fact the there still are some really nice, caring and helpful people left in this screwed up world.