MrHellpop, this is what I did and remember that this was my first time...
I did use the kick start lever to crank and get the valves in position; 1-4 then 2-3 sequentially...
I used my hands as hammer and slowly aligned cylinder mark with T mark, then checked the valves clearance.
What I found out is that for the cylinder at TDC, the valves arms are slightly/barely loose but loose compared to the other three. (not sure I am helping here)
One more thing, this is really precision adjustment... After your done on the TDC cylinder, verify that the next gauge (thicker blade) for both intake and exhaust are not sliding in.
May be I am a little paranoid but I wanted to ensure I was as close as possible to the recommended adjustment.
I did this with no carb and no airbox mounted... I hope this is not affecting things... I would be surprised it does but if an expert pitch in and say it does, I will do it again "the right way".
BTW, after I was done with this I adjusted the cam chain tension as well...
And yes it was hot in Texas today...
Good luck...