Seems to be a global thing, we now have Indian Police and prison Officers wearing turbans, I'd like to see 20 feet of wrapped rag stop a bullet!
We have seperate schools for the Maori in New Zealand (it's still all paid for by Joe public though) Maori rugby teams, Maori land courts, Maori Affairs dept, Maori ad infinitum.
Only in apartheid ruled South Africa was such division tollerated, here it is insisted upon by radical Maori.
The latest crackpot idea (put forward by the Maori Party oh yes they have guaranteed parliamentary seats too) is for Maori only prisons.....Hell the jails are full of Maori anyway...someone suggested that we would be better having white New Zealander only prisons cos then we wouldn't need so many!
Maori (the race that occupied New Zealand before the Colonials arrived) make up only 15% of the general population, they make up 90% of the prison population.
It will be interesting to see if all the billions we have as a country poured into the Maori race has actually done any good in future years, weather the separatist schools who only teach in Maori language have bred the next generation of brain surgeons or will just fill the prisons up as tehy do today?