So, do you mean you can't wear a patch in your back just because a bunch of #$%*s doesn't want you to? Is that your "land of the free"? 
It's got nothing to do with being in the "Land of the Free" Raul, I've never been a member of an outlaw club (too much like hard work scowling all day long and saying bad things about Jap bikes, although I do like the idea of breaking in young club groupies and drinking Bourbon until I collapse in a puddle of my own vomit) but I have a few friends who still are, or were, "Outlaws" and they seem to enjoy it.
A couple of Hells Angels saved me (and my CB750F) from one mother of a beating when I was just a baby faced lad of 18, so I've always had some respect for them, and where they sit in the motorcycle hierachy. They're a bit like spiders, we are a little frightened of them but realise that they have a purpose in life, and that is to get rid of all the flies. Of course I'm referring to all the "Outlaw Wannabe's" who think that Harley ownership entitles them to start their own outlaw clubs, like the "Hells Accountants", or "Bank-Deed-o's", etc.
The big outlaw clubs regulate the outlaw population, and while this might have more to do with maintaining market share in their "business" ventures, it also takes a lot of pressure off police. In my opinion, they pretty much keep to themselves, and don't cause the "civilian" population too much to be concerned about. Sure, every now and then an argument will lead to a massacre, but statistically, you've got more chance of being murdered by a postal worker, than an outlaw biker, ha ha! Cheers, Terry.