I hope everyone will forgive me for posting a bunch of little posts, but I don't want to host my pics elsewhere as I have seen to many posts where the links were broken. Anyhow, on to the interesting stuff.
I decided to redo the little adapter for my cylinder pressure tester to get it straight so I can hopefully get the inside two cylinders tested.
I bought the Harbor Freight cylinder tester and it came with an 18mm and 14mm spark plug adapter, no 12mm!

Seeing as how I bought this specifically to test motorcycles, that seemed a little rude. I did some online searching and called the local shops and everyone wanted way more for the simple 12mm adapter than I wanted to pay, and that was assuming they would even sell me just the adapter. Most places wanted to sell me the whole kit, which is silly since I already had a high quality HF one

In my online perusing I found a forum where someone mentioned making their own adapter by sacrificing the 14mm adapter and brazing on the lower part of a spark plug. Now I've never really tried brazing, though my dad left me (I was the only one really intrested in it, so I got it woohoo!) his oxy/ace setup when he passed so I figured I may as well learn. One of my moms new neighbors is apparently certified in a bunch of different welding styles so I had him come over and show me how it was done. He set the fuel gauges to 40 psi on each and proceded to braze the two pieces together. Now I swear I've read that Acetylene can explode at over 15psi, so this seemed really questionable to me, but as I am typing this obviously it went OK (I don't encourage this, like I said, I've read it can explode!!) The adapter came out decent enough if a bit bent but I figured I'd try it.
Today my little brother and I tried using it, it would thread into the outer two cylinders just fine, but the inner two the bend was just too much and it wouldn't go. The outer two cylinders measured 80 and 90 psi's, but I am wondering if I didn't have it in tightly enough, and also since this is a HF special, if the psi's might be just a bit off.
I was just going to leave it at that and do a visual inspection when I tore the engine down. However, after spraying some ruststopper on some stuff I am doing for my friend, I decided I'd give it another go.
Step 1:
Break the ceramic top off a donor spark plug ( I kept some old ones just in case I needed them for something), remove the little copper wire thingy that is still in there. See Pic 1.
Step 2:
Flip it over, remove the little bent part that sparks with the electrode (is that what it's called?) Take a large diameter nail set, or you can probably get away with a phillips screw driver you don't care about, and hit the electrode back down through the top. Wear safety glasses for all this, as the ceramic does shatter a bit. See Pic 2.
Step 3:
After you've busted the little electrode thingy out, flip it back over and take your nailset and start whacking the crap out of the remaining ceramic inside, move the nailset around a bit. See Pic 3.