they spelled 'honda' wrong.

hey, just to be an instigator, my a.d.d. mind dreams up faster than i could ever do... well that and i lack money, skill, time, ambition... what was i talking about?
oh, i'm stuck on the idea of a snowmobile (snow machine for palin fans) powered bike. thinkin start with the most viable bike frame (for vin and year of manufacturer- 2 stroke legality purposes) and mangle as necessary. from what i glean off of the interweb there's lots of used and rebuilt engines about, and much hp to be got from these motors, around 200hp from a wee 4 cylinder!
i know it's been done before, konig comes to mind, but i suppose if ya hooked it to a harley 6 speed or other separate gearbox, it could be a bit of a terror.
or howabout really different and a 2 stroke bobber? doesn't fit the image, i know.
ok, got that off my chest, i sleep.