Hey Dolar Bill-
I thought I'd say "thanks" on the thread and bring it back to the top with a comment or two.
After leaving, we looked at the map and saw how far Hiway 16 goes , just to take another road. Amazing that it goes almost to Wichita Falls, to Graham, and there really aren't many small towns to slow down at , so for any cross-texas travelers it's nice and traffic free compared to Dallas where the other chunk of 350f came from, and it was 3 hours of traffic. Be wary of gas retailers on the long haul of 16, they are less frequent , but a good way to get arounf DFW.
An hour out or so from Kerville we stopped and checked the trailer, I think I left the breather cover on (the thing I said I didin't have). Hoping I will find it in the van, but I fear it's blowed off. Maybe if you see it on a ride, hit the brakes and get it, yuk yuk!
It has everything honda but the frame off now, and I am going after a rocker, of which it has many in better shape than one I've got to replace. After it was apart I reread the post here, I found the same as you on closer examination- leaves and junk in a sparkhole. Hmmm
Here's one on ebay to look at, too.

God luck with the 750 frame; it's looking to be pretty modernized bike already.