Author Topic: Right tranny cover stuck....  (Read 678 times)

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Offline d_soles

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Right tranny cover stuck....
« on: June 15, 2009, 05:33:19 PM »
Okay, so this is on my field find (no idea how long it was out there) 1975 CB550.  I finally (damn those screws are soft/stubborn) got all of the screws out of the right side tranny case. I also removed the kickstart, which came off suprisingly easy.  That's when I have officially hit my brick wall.  That damn case will not come off.  I have tried yanking on it, beating it with a mallot.  Beating if with a hammer hitting a 2X4.  Beating it with said 2X4....(I have rage, what can I say?).  I've tried prying it a little, but I don't want to mess up the seal on it by putting divots in the aluminum.  Hell, I can't even get it to budge open to get a surface to pry on.  Any other tips? 

And, of course, I have sprayed PB alllll around the seal, hoping that'll help break it free.  Nothing yet.  I want to see how bad the clutch is frozen, and if that is somehow making the motor stick, or helping it, at least. 

'75 CB550F - Field Beater at it's best....

Offline heffay

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Re: Right tranny cover stuck....
« Reply #1 on: June 15, 2009, 05:59:18 PM »
dumb, repetitive question but... you sure all the screws are out?

on the underside of the cover, in the most inconspicuous spot... take a screw driver perpendicular to the gap and hammer a small but sturdy flat blade screwdriver in.

once it pops, it will be free and no further damage will be needed.  go easy and damage should be minimal.
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Offline d_soles

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Re: Right tranny cover stuck....
« Reply #2 on: June 15, 2009, 06:26:53 PM »
Thanks, I'll give it a try....I suppose that is my only option, at the moment.

'75 CB550F - Field Beater at it's best....