<sigh> you're not trolling, are you? fine, i'll bite. others will less passive-aggressively instruct you to use the search function on the site, but, hey, you're sort of a homeboy. except, go eagles, phils and flyers. nice stanley cup.
for the 550's, "super sport" trim is mostly about sales/marketing, not actual performance, and the parts differences are by and large cosmetic, although the frame differences make interchanging some items such as sidecovers and pipes difficult.
F's had 4-1's, and on the earlier ones, are also easily distinguished from K's by the tanks (which look more like yours, with the gas cap door), and sidecovers...
as to performance, if anything, the 4-in-1's are probably more often said to confer a performance advantage. (and more left-turn clearance, i guess...?)
much has been said about all of this stuff here. in reality, with your bike, in 2009, basic tuning and maintenance will make way more of a difference than any of the comparatively minor performance differences (real or perceived) between F's, aka supersports, and K's....