Pretty funny stuff

Lets see if I can sum all this post up..........
We are All in agreement on ...........
Any helmet is better than no helmet
A full Face helmet is better than a half helmet.
I have been fortunate to never wreck a bike on the street.
I have also been fortunate enough to have my very own crash test dummy.
Aint friends great? I have one who crashes on just about an annual basis.
Really! Three times in three years. All under various real world street conditions
The net result? Three bashed helmets.
My point? Every single one of those helmets wound up with scratches and damage to the chin guard.
Doesnt seem to matter too much..When the bike flings ya or you fling the bike.........
Some part of the front of your face seems to come in contact.
Buy a helmet. Whatever you can afford . Then wear it