Thanks for the nice comments.
I have been spending the day looking over the bike. Buddy showed up and asked me if I had my forks lowered through the triple tree on purpose? Crap.........I guess those 90mph-10mph breaking efforts had pushed them through.
We went over the entire front end and re-torqued everything. It was all in need of tightening. Seems a lot better now

I may be able to attend a racing school at the track next Fri. Hope so anyway.
Getting ready for a bike show for tomorrow with "magpie" (Cliff) I'm sure he will at least come home with a trophy for his K0s'
I get a bit antsy at shows...waiting around all day.........

Rather ride.........

No trucking to the show.
My wife asked why I wanted her to come with me to the track and why I was trucking it the 100 miles? I told her I wanted company, truth is I wanted someone to drive me home if I crashed. Things your wife does not need to hear.
And yes Havoc, I was scared #$%*less before each session. Once your into it though, there is no time to be scared