Now, I'm open to both sides of this and I wanted all to know that, because I expect to hear from both sides of this.

Well, my Daughter and I were coming back from being up in Fort Smith (about 15miles away) and was getting ready to pull onto US hwy71 from a side road. The outside lane was clear and there was a black late model Chevy 4dr truck puling a trailer and was a bit away from where I was sitting and I pulled out (flooring my van, like I always do, not wanting to disrupt traffic any more than possible. That truck was movving a bit faster than I realized (or he speed up, like some have been known to do) and he ended up pulling out around me, even though I was up to about 55 or so by that time. As this sucker went by, he flipped me off!

Gotta tell ya that, that really got me (but I just smiled and waved at him). Well, he went on a little ahead of me and pulled over in my lane, slowing down some, so that I'd have to slow also. I watched the outside lane as best that I could and when the time looked good, I pulled over and nailed my van. He tried to keep me from passing him, but it didn't work. I pulled up whead of gim enough that I could easily pull back over and, just a little ways up the road, I pulled over to get off of that road (to get on home) and as he went past me, he rolled his window down and was yelling something, to which I just smiled again and waved. My daughter said he was shaking his fist (I didn't see that).
Now, if I had of been in his possition (and I have so many times), I will pull into the ouside lane, if I see someone wanting to pull onto the rioad (if it is clear to do so, and it was). Every day, I see folks who might very well be decent folks but either don't think about doing things like pulling over so others might get out or such as that. Or they are just to preoccupied with getting to where they are going.
So, what do YOU think?