Great points made and well put too. I agree, there are a lot of very hard working people under unions and a lot of them are under paid for the work they do. A lot of good people benefit from the solidarity of a union. No one system is perfect, there are serious flaws in all aspects of life and work, we just have to keep trying to make things better.
Teaching is a very difficult job, one that I'm certainly not cut out for. It takes a special person to be a good teacher and they are worth their weight in gold. We have all had a few awesome teachers that have made huge impressions on our lives, my hat goes off to them. I've had and my kids also have had really bad teachers that basically take up time and space, this is unfortunate and no one system, unions or not, will stop that. I believe that parents are the most important factor in a good education and unfortunately that is really lacking in our society.
Not sure about your comment on volly depts, perhaps I'm misunderstanding, if it is referring to volunteer fire and ambulance I have a very strong opinion on that. I'm not doing it for little or nothing, I volunteer to help my family and community and to protect them. I'm on a dive rescue team and an EMT-I along with fire fighting. We don't get paid money but we get paid with thanks and the knowledge that we helped a neighbor in need, to me that's worth more than money. In small rural comunities we can't afford a paid emergency staff. One more thing....thank you for being a fire fighter, it's a brutal job and one that doesn't often get the respect that it deserves, especially in urban areas.