Seems like people are going crazy lately... lots of these types of threads lately.
On Sunday I went out with my girlfriend for a walk in my hometown. There's a really peaceful (...well, normally it's peaceful...) nature trail near a stream in my town. We parked in the parking lot and had walked to one end and was making our way back to the car. We passed some teenagers and a middle-aged couple walking a dog. Everyone's friendly. So far, so good.
Just after we passed the couple with the dog, four young kids (18-20-ish) came by. One girl and three guys. They had been tubing down the stream. I nodded hello to them, not all at the same time because they weren't exactly walking together. The girl was in front, followed by a boy, and then the two others about 20 feet farther back. When I saw the last two boys it was instantly clear that they were very drunk. They could barely walk straight. I'd be surprised if they were legal drinking age.
Everything was cool until the last boy passed. When he saw me and my girlfriend, he raised his arms in the air in that "Victory! Hey! We just won the superbowl" kind of way and started yelling "Party! party! party!...." (If I wasn't sure before, that confirmed my suspicion that they were drunk.)
We passed without incident, but the boy took offense that I "didn't say anything." Well... if he hadn't been shouting "Party! party, party" like a fool, he might have heard me say hello...
My girlfriend and I kept walking, and we got out of view because the trail curves around, but we could hear that fool shouting that he wanted to '#$%* me up' and carrying on like the court jester. The girl he was with was trying to calm him down, and I don't know what the other two boys were doing, but they were at least quiet, whatever they were doing.
That fool kept going and going, so I stopped, turned around, and yelled back, "I said 'hello'. Are you going to be okay, buddy?"
For a split second, that fool kind of acted like he made a mistake not hearing me and that it was his bad. I don't recall what exactly I heard, but it sounded like he was calming down. But only for a split second.
Then that clown started in again. Saying stuff like they should #$%* me up and #$%* my girlfriend. Well, gee... I guess we can't all be blessed with brains.
Anyway, I was fine until my girlfriend got scared and said she never wanted to come back. That's when I got pissed. But we calmly kept walking and left those fools to themselves.
I was never afraid that I'd get beat up. If they had been sober, that would have been another story - I might have #$%* my pants. But they were so drunk I wouldn't have gotten seriously hurt. In fact, I really think they would have been separated from their teeth. I would've dispatched the loudmouth kid in a hurry, in case his friends decided to dance too. If it came to me having to turn around, there would have been no more talking. Pitbulls don't talk before the fight.
If I could do over, I'm not sure I wouldn't have turned around and either got the #$%* kicked out of me, or kicked the #$%* out of three drunk punks. I'm pretty pissed when I think about it.
Has anything like this ever happened to you? What would you have done?
Thanks in advance for reading and your input,