I can't find a pipe or tube that is the correct diameter, the only thing I can figure is it must have been machined. That being said, I have the old races that I pulled, I am thinking if I put them in a vice and use them to form the 1/8 bar stock around, that should give me the size I need to fit the little hole. Really the whole purpose of this exercise is to plug that hole. I see no indication of stress around the hole to indicate that it has caused any sort of fatigue to the frame. I will know more once I remove the paint and really dig into it.
I was thinking last nigh, how do you think they attached these larger diameter tubes to the steering tube? I don't see any weld joints, or else they grinded them off. Either way, I really don't think that welding or brazing a small area is going to weaken it enough to cause a problem. My moms neighbor who supposedly knows how to weld (I am just saying supposedly be cause I have no idea what his true certs are, but he has demonstrated he knows a lot more than I do) suggested doing a series of spot/tack welds. Do a 2 second burn, let it cool, and just keep doing that, just like you would on sheet metal. He believes this will minimize warping. I am still not convinced that welding is the way to go. I am thinking we'll do a test, try a weld and a braze on some scrap metal of same thickness, let it cool, and then try and fatigue the hell out of them and see what happens.
As far as keeping it round, if we are careful it shouldn't get too out of round and what little it does I should be able to take care of with a Dremel and some very careful and calculated grinding. I still believe the whole purpose of this area is to help keep the bearings in the races and keep dirt out. A little out of roundness shouldn't affect this.
After I have done this, I will keep an eye on this area and see if I start to see any signs of cracking, if I do I'll know it was a failure.
As for getting a different titled frame, where would I find one in Utah?