Well spoken Tramp
What I think the world needs comes down to a few things..........responsible, moral individuals who are willing to support and protect themselves and their neighbours with compassion, trust and understanding. If we outlawed guns, people would use swords or knives, then they would want to outlaw those and we would move on down to trying to outlaw clubs and sticks and so on.............if people could simply be responsible for their own actions there would be no issue here, and no requirement to ban anything because we would use any and all of our resources responsibly and in the best interest of society. Sometimes shooting a criminal is in the best interest of society, the defining point is how that violence is applied, and with what intent.
The point is that no matter where you shop or your opinions on gun ownership or religion or whatever.....if you go into everything in life with a level of compassion, trust, and understanding, you remove self actuated violence from the equation completely.