Cool Thread !
I wish I'd purchased my bike new in 1975 ....but I was'nt even old enough to drive then. But I'm the third owner . I paid ($2500.) w/ 7299 miles for my bike in August of 2007, Its all original paint, exhaust , side covers, rust free tank etc. Everything works and with an oil & filter change, new tires, NGK Iridium plugs , UNI filter and AGM sealed battery it's a blast to ride ! But by the standards I've seen here on SOHC forums I overpaid but I feel its the best $2500. I've ever spent !
From what I understand , this CB550F SuperSport new in 1975 cost about $1800. MSRP. according to a CycleWorld review as well as some of the postings here.
But $1800. in 1975 bought you considerably more than $1800. today would. For example, I remember
A big mac cost only $.75 1975, whereas today they're around what ? $4. or about 5 times as much.
So in 2009 dollars my CB550F at $1800 in 1975 would translate to 5*$1800. or about 9 grand today or about what a new Honda CBR600 costs today @$9599.
I will have to add that this bike, even with the stock exhaust is one of the best sounding bikes !
Its almost mesmerizing to sequence through the gears with just a tad of clutch ...its really music to the ears.
What I find laughable is that for $3400. in 2009 dollars I could buy a new Honda ....250 Rebel !
No thanks, I'll keep my 1975 SOHC Honda ... They simply don't make 'em lke this any longer.