Author Topic: cb350twin's Mods Vs Rockers Chicago Ride Report (Now With Pics)  (Read 978 times)

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Offline cb350twin

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I went on the 750. Bike never missed a beat. But that's not to say we didn't have some experiences. We took off from Davenport right before 9AM took 88 & 290 in. Had lunch at White Castle in Naperville. We ran into a little bit of a jam on 290 but wasn't anything too big. Took 290 into town to Michigan Ave which was probably a mistake because of the traffic. They had there traffic authority people directing traffic but traffic was still creeping along and a lot of idling. My buddies radian was smoking from the top of the motor we couldn't figure out if it was just crud burning off the motor or just some breather tube for blow by and what not. There was another random guy with a air cool Kawi who's bike was doing the same thing so we weren't really too concerned. It was HOT on Saturday  especially in downtown idling with traffic and the bikes running extra hot. But We didn't really have any problems. I came prepaired with Under Armor  and my Camel Bac so I wasn't too to bad. After dealing with Michigan with took lake shore drive to Lincoln and right into Mods vs Rockers. The show was pretty much awesome I don't think I've ever seen to many old Honda's at one place at one time! Especially 350 twins. Boy, there were sure a lot, but no gold ones :( It's nice to go to the motorcycle event and NOT hear Harley's all the time non stop.  I entered my Blue 750 in the contest they were suppose to announce the winners at like 4 I think. Everyone kept asking them when they would announce the winners. I asked somebody they said there was a tie or something. So around 5:30 they announced the winners. I made my poor buddy stand around and wait for the winners. After waiting over an hour & a half they announced my name, bike #110!  Random people cheer so I make my way into the bar and to the back where I thought they were announcing since that was where you signed up to register your bike. Found they were announcing From up front behind the bar. Went up to claim whatever they were handing out. There was a pause.. and they talked quickly amongst them self's and said "I'm Sorry there was a mistake. My apologies" WTF??! I thought that was some Grade A Horse#$%*... So whoever won best Vintage Japanese I WOULD LIKE MY TROPHY BACK! ;D J/K But Serously if somebody knows what REALLY happened I would be interested in knowing? PM me. What were they even handing out anyways looked like little boxes of something? After that went back to the bikes for "the ride" I had no idea where the ride was. And it looked like the ride itself wasn't very organized. So, We decide to ride with the two guys and there g/fs who we met earlier and were parked beside us. They had a old Suzuki 500 two stroke (saw lots of those there which I've never seen before) and the other guy had a old BMW boxer. We took Halstead went went by Cabrini Green which was fun and got to the bottom lounge first too. It was pretty cool riding with some locals. They were some nice fellows. Had dinner and a beer with one hell of a view! of the Sears Tower And whatnot. Then we took off to congress theater to pick up are tickets for Paul Van Dyk & Benny Benessai (a electronic / techno group) Then we were off to our hotel at O'hare. I made a wrong turn and got onto 94 instead of 90 figured it out when we where in Wheeling IL got off on Dundee Rd to try and get on 294 back to O'hare And well you apparently can't get on to 294 from Dundee rd so now we were in Buffalo Grove IL and lost a 2nd time! that's when I got out my GPS and slated it. lol Finally got back to the hotel after a 20 mile detour and off the concert at 10:30PM The concert was great.

Day 2: Sunday

Woke around check out, after staying up all night for the concert. The O'hare shuttle driver said people were loving the bikes all morning. So now, maybe there known internationally. :P Me and my buddy broke up as he had to get home earlier. It started to sprinkle a bit out by O'hare so I checked radar there was A line of showers was in central IL. I really didn't want to run to them as I would have to clean the bike afterwards which would suck. (I found later that my buddy riding home had to ride through 60 miles of rain) So I decided hell why not go back into the city ? Got back on 290 and there was a wreck which had the freeway completely stopped after sitting there for a while and traffic not moving at all I figured, what the hey, Time to lane split. Most all people were accepting of it and didn't seem to care. Some people even waved you in. Even though it's very illegal. Only got one "Your a fu*king di*ckhead" commet. He was just jealous. :D Took a exit to take my baffles out for when I'm in the city then got back on the freeway and traffic was fine. In the city there was hardly ANY traffic maybe because it was Sunday and Father's Day. I got lots of cool pictures of the bike downtown. I Could pretty much park any were I wanted because there was no traffic the Temperature was great lower 70s upper 60s almost a little chilly by the lake. MUCH better then Saturday. I rode on lower Wacker ( 750's unbaffled really do sound like a Ferrari! :) ) then up by Wrigley  and out on the peninsula by the aquarium for pictures. The storm in central IL went south and missed me. Then on home via I-55 to I-80 about half way home I started seeing lighting (2nd storm brewed up much much stronger) Then about 15 20 miles from home the lighting got REALLY INTENSE some the best cloud to cloud lighting I've ever seen talk scary and cool at the same time. The last couple miles from home I was cruising at 90 trying to get home. Never got wet. Although right by home the ground was wet. I was damn close. lol

And that's my story of my trip to Mods vs Rocker Chicago... 

I,ll try to add some pictures of mods vs rockers and me around town eventually
« Last Edit: June 25, 2009, 12:52:48 PM by cb350twin »
1975 CB 750 K5
1972 CB 350 Twin K4
1972 CB 500 Four K1

Offline cb350twin

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Re: cb350twin's Mods Vs Rockers Chicago Ride Report (Now With Pics)
« Reply #1 on: June 25, 2009, 12:54:37 PM »
some more...

My  750 (the blue one)

Last photo at the Bottom Lounge a 1999 Kawasaki W650. cool bike
« Last Edit: June 25, 2009, 01:00:42 PM by cb350twin »
1975 CB 750 K5
1972 CB 350 Twin K4
1972 CB 500 Four K1

Offline cb350twin

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Re: cb350twin's Mods Vs Rockers Chicago Ride Report (Now With Pics)
« Reply #2 on: June 25, 2009, 12:56:37 PM »
more  ;D
1975 CB 750 K5
1972 CB 350 Twin K4
1972 CB 500 Four K1

Offline cb350twin

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Re: cb350twin's Mods Vs Rockers Chicago Ride Report (Now With Pics)
« Reply #3 on: June 25, 2009, 12:57:27 PM »
Buddy's Radian

My bike at the Bottom Lounge.
« Last Edit: June 25, 2009, 01:17:48 PM by cb350twin »
1975 CB 750 K5
1972 CB 350 Twin K4
1972 CB 500 Four K1

Offline cb350twin

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Re: cb350twin's Mods Vs Rockers Chicago Ride Report (Now With Pics)
« Reply #4 on: June 25, 2009, 01:20:26 PM »
Pictures from Downtown on Sunday!
1975 CB 750 K5
1972 CB 350 Twin K4
1972 CB 500 Four K1

Offline cb350twin

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Re: cb350twin's Mods Vs Rockers Chicago Ride Report (Now With Pics)
« Reply #5 on: June 25, 2009, 01:22:17 PM »
and more
1975 CB 750 K5
1972 CB 350 Twin K4
1972 CB 500 Four K1

Offline cb350twin

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Re: cb350twin's Mods Vs Rockers Chicago Ride Report (Now With Pics)
« Reply #6 on: June 27, 2009, 08:44:22 PM »
No comments? I think I'm gonna go delete my account now.  :P :P ;D
1975 CB 750 K5
1972 CB 350 Twin K4
1972 CB 500 Four K1

Offline DollarBill

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Re: cb350twin's Mods Vs Rockers Chicago Ride Report (Now With Pics)
« Reply #7 on: June 27, 2009, 09:30:26 PM »
Nice pics!  I too have a 350 twin and a 750.  Thanks for sharing.....
1975 CB750F Project Yellow Jacket - CBR600rr Swinger GSXR 600 Forks
1955 BMW R25/3, 1966 Honda CA160, 1975 CB400f, 1975 CB550, 1976 CB550