Here is a recent pic of the bike. I've since added all the handlebar controls and gauges, but you get the point

I finally got it running last weekend, although I soon discovered that #4 was not firing. The #4 header was not even the slightest bit warm. Turns out that the slow jet went for a swim in the bowl. I've since concluded that the Keystar carb kits I bought are not of the highest quality, as the slow jet doesn't seem to stay pressed in as well as the stock Honda jets. Although the diameter of the jets is the same, the tapers towards the top of the jet don't go as far up as they do on the Honda jet, which is what likely causes the Keystar jet to not fit as well (i.e. it gets narrower sooner as you move from bottom to top). Given what happened, I want to go back to Honda jets for a better fit. However...
...the PO was running 42 jets instead of the stock 38. The exhaust that came with the bike was toast, so I bought a Mac 4 into 1, which Mac claims requires no re-jetting. Although I was skeptical about that claim, my original intention was to put the jetting back to stock and tweak from there. Hence the Keystar kits with 38 slow jets. (FYI, I'm running the stock airbox with a freshly cleaned and re-oiled UNI NU-4055 filter, and I have the stock 46A carbs for the '77 550K3).
Now that I want to switch back to Honda jets (and since the press-in jets are not available from Honda), here is where I stand:
I can either:
A) Try to find some 38 slow jets at the salvage yard, although my experience there tells me they won't sell the jets separately (i.e. $$$)
B) Try my luck using the 42 jets that I originally removed from the carbs, with the hopes that my Mac and Uni combo requires richer jetting.
Any thoughts?
P.S. Off topic, but here is a neat pic I took looking into a carb from the top during my carb overhaul. I messed with the camera settings and produced what reminds me of an image from the Hubble