What size were you thinking?
Not sure. Got any advice on that too?
I have too much love into my CBs and am too afraid of dumping them. I want a bike that I can play with. Do wheelies and hone my riding skills. I also want a fast bike. Really fast.
I want a super fast bike partly to show my father. He's of the mindset that Harleys (he's a Harley guy, although he likes Hondas too) are on the same league as the sport bikes. He thinks the aerodynamics and less weight and such make no difference (basically, he doesn't believe in the laws of physics

). Yep. He imagines he could keep up with a crotch rocket with his saddle-bagged Heritage (although he concedes that his 750 Honda Shadow from years ago was "hotter"). He's hard headed. I'm so sick of hearing about "so and so and his 'hot' bike." All that work I put into my cafe racer, and all he's got to say is how "so and so's bike is 'hot'." My Dad can't imagine why anyone would want a crotch rocket - they look uncomfortable, and he thinks they're no faster than any other bike. I want to show my dad what a fast bike is. I want to show my dad that physics works.

Plus, like I said, I also want a bike I can 'get' on and not feel bad about it. Something I can play with.
Anyway, got any suggestions on size? I don't want too heavy a bike, but I want something that's guaranteed to be by far the fastest thing my Dad has ever ridden. I never again want to hear about "so and so's 'hot' bike"!!!