I don't know what god I offended while in europe for two months, but my bike has officially paid for it.
I posted in another thread that I found a piece of the cam chain in the oil pan during an oil change and inspection. I pulled the engine, split the cases and changed the chain, no problem. I had caught the chain failure before it actually came apart.
After reassembly, it ticked a little louder on the top end than I remembered. Cam was timed properly, and I adjusted and readjusted the valves. Anyway, I was riding it up a long hill and the clutch suddenly went out. As I limped up the hill, the engine suddenly felt like I was running out of gas. I flipped the petcock to reserve and finding neutral brought the bike to a stop. Back at the shop, I found that my clutch pushrod was flattened on both ends and was toast. I replaced this with a spare and fired her back up.
...and it's only running on 3 cylinders. #1 is sputtering back through the carb. After a cold compression check, I find 120 PSI on 2,3,4, and ZERO on number 1.
Time to pull the head and find out what went wrong. I'm praying for valves and not a hole in my piston...