Got her running last night
Doesn't exactly purr like a kitten, but it certainly has some potential. Smokes from under the right valve cover and puffs from the left exhaust. I don't know what the smoking cover is, but hopefully the puffing exhaust is just stuck rings that will clear up... If not, I've got some work ahead of me.
Peterbylt, that's a pretty Goldwing you have there. I actually ordered new timing belts from Autozone (Goodyear Gatorbacks) for $20 apiece. Quite a steal considering the stealership wanted $70/ea. And they wanted $97 for a damn starter solenoid! I discovered Randakk's wizard site and found you can shoehorn in an early model Ford Explorer solenoid. Broke the first one after grinding the terminals and trying to wrestle the nut onto a screwed up thread, but got the second one in (used a hacksaw this time
) and now it looks like it's a stock part. Grand total? $20 ($10 apiece!). Saving money through backyard engineering
Gotta love it!
I've got the seat, sissy bar, pipes and windshield off right now and the bike already looks 110% better. Vinmans, PM sent about the windshield