Okay. Where do I start.
I bought a 1971 CB175 in June. Found out that the starter clutch and the kickstart were blown, and the only way to get it running was to bump start it. As soon as it ran, I found out the motor needed some major work. Troubles shifting, backfiring, clanking, herking, jerking, etc. I found another motor on Craigslist for $200 shipped from a 1972. That's what's currently sitting in my '71 frame now.
The engine has compression and runs fine. Starter motor works, kickstart, everything turns out okay. The current problem I'm having right now is the backfiring and misfiring, which I'm pointing to either a carb issue, or timing.
Steps to repeat problem:
1. Start bike
2. Idles fine around 1,200 rpm
3. Warms up, has problems idling
4. Once taken on the road, it pulls through all the gears
5. After about a mile, the backfiring starts
6. Then misfiring
7. Then only runs on both cylinders every 3 seconds with a 'pop' from the second, then back to one
8. Once at a stop, the idle creeps itself to 6,000 then down to 1,200, then back up, then down, etc.
9. Plug reading shows the right cylinder good/little lean, and the left cylinder tan/white (lean)
What I've done:
- Rebuilt both carbs (no floats) and throttle needles
- Filed/cleaned points
- Cleaned tank and petcock 3 times
- Cleaned carbs 10498109 times
- Greased and rerouted throttle cable
What I need to do:
- Check timing (how do I do this with a light?)
- Set static timing (how do i do this when oil spills out of the left crankcase when the cover is removed?)
- Set points gap
- Check voltage from battery (new)/coils
- Charge battery (it died after leaving the ignition on. Oops. I charged it for about an hour just enough to crank the starter.)
Thanks in advance!!