Lots of good ideas. So far I am leaning towards the handlebar strapped cases. There is a good BMW store about 15 miles away that carries a lot of different cases, so maybe I will look through their tank bags for a small magnetic one with a side pocket for glasses and such.
And yes, this is in preparation for an iron butt 1000 attempt with maybe the 36 hour 1500 mile as a second goal. I have some time to work all this out since the trip won't take place until October.
I have found that my ignition key sometimes works loose and falls from the ignition. This put me in a bind between Jackson MS and Birmingham some time back. So I have a safety hook attached from the frame to the key ring at all times. One way to decrease my gas up time has been to avoid fumbling with removing the key ring from the key/hook setup to open the tank. I just reach in my pocket and open a small knife blade on my pocketknife which opens the gas cap just fine.
The glasses holder isn't so much for "stand and gas" operations, but rather for when I actually take my helmet off at a stop. I just have a feeling that if I don't come up with a good place to always put my glasses, I will one day lose or break them. I have even had instances where the wind was strong enough to blow them off the seat, so a secure and easily accessible location that I can consistently use is best. It would also be advantageous to be able to remove them from storage while moving or at a stop light in the event that I forgot to put them on after a stop.